| Letter to Thomas Maclear | 24 May 1852 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Cape Town | 4 | 199 x 126 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives and Records Service of South Africa: Maclear Papers, Acc. 515 | MS. 10779 | | Letters, 0279 | liv_000757 |
| Letter to William Porter | 30 April 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Porter, William, 1805-1880 | [Cape Town] | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives and Records Service of South Africa: Maclear Papers, Acc. 515 | | | Letters, 0785 | liv_001312 |
| Letter to [Thomas Maclear?] | 12 November 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | HMS "Pioneer" | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives and Records Service of South Africa: Maclear Papers, Acc. 515 | | South African Advertiser and Mail, 21 May 1862. | Letters, 1142 | liv_001689 |
| Summary of Letter to Alan H. Gardner | 15 October 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Gardner, Alan H., ?-1878 | Rovuma | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives and Records Service of South Africa: Maclear Papers, Acc. 515 | | George Shepperson, ed., David Livingstone and the Rovuma: A Notebook Edited, with Introduction and Related Documents (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1965), 176-177. | Letters, 1276 | liv_001830 |
| Letter to [Thomas Maclear] | 30 January 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Zanzibar | 4 | 177 x 114 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives and Records Service of South Africa: Maclear Papers, Acc. 515 | MS. 10779 | | Letters, 1874 | liv_002472 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | July 1868 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Near Lake Bangweolo | 4 | 325 x 200 | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives and Records Service of South Africa: Maclear Papers, Acc. 515 | | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 14 (1869-70), 8-12. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1870, LXI [C-141] B, 13-16. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt (Gotha), 1870, 186-189. | Letters, 1932 | liv_002532 |