| Letter to Richard Cecil | 13 May 1841 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Cecil, Richard, 1799-1863 | Port Elizabeth | 4 | 250 x 201 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Harold Strange Library of African Studies | MS. 10779 | The Congregationalist (Cape Town), Oct. 1925, 15-17. George Seaver, David Livingstone: His Life and Letters (London: Lutterworth Press, 1957), 44, ex. | Letters, 0025 | liv_000480 |
| Letter to Richard Cecil | 15 July 1843 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Cecil, Richard, 1799-1863 | Kuruman | 4 | 4to | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 22 Dec. 1915, lot 496. | Letters, 0080 | liv_000536 |
| Letter to Richard Cecil | 11 July 1842 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Cecil, Richard, 1799-1863 | Kuruman | 7 | folio | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Thomas Hughes, David Livingstone (London & New York: Macmillan and Co., 1889), 21-22, ex. Sotheby's Cat., 24 Dec. 1915, lot 495. Maggs' Cat., Autumn 1920, no. 2353. | Letters, 0057 | liv_000512 |
| Letter to Richard Cecil | 13 May 1841 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Cecil, Richard, 1799-1863 | Port Elizabeth | 8 | 250 x 201 | copies (derivative objects); letters; typescripts | University of the Witwatersrand. William Cullen Library: Hist. and Lit. Papers, A349 | MS. 10779 | The Congregationalist (Cape Town), Oct. 1925, 15-17. George Seaver, David Livingstone: His Life and Letters (London: Lutterworth Press, 1957), 44, ex. | Letters, 0025 | liv_003262 |