| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 19 August, 10, 18 October 1849 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Banks of the River Zouga | 6 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Missionary Herald (Boston, MA), May 1922, 173-178. The Independent (New York), 4 Apr. 1850, 53. | Letters, 0207 | liv_000676 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 8 October 1851 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Banks of the Zouga | 5 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), Jul. 1922, 1-5, ex. Bulletin of the American Geographical and Statistical Society of New York, 1 (1852), 48-59. | Letters, 0257 | liv_000732 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 12, [24?] April 1852 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Cape Town | 3 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), Jul. 1922, 6-8, ex. | Letters, 0270 | liv_000747 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 29 May 1852 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Cape Town | 2 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), Jul. 1922, 8-9, ex. | Letters, 0281 | liv_000759 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 8 April, 17 June 1854 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Cassange-Loanda | 3 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Missionary Herald (Boston, MA), July 1922, 262-264. | Letters, 0332 | liv_000812 |
(2.0 MB) | Letter to [Charles Livingstone?] | 28 August 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Drumcondra Castle [Dublin] | 4 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies: CWM/LMS/Africa/Odds - Livingstone, Box 4 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0575 | liv_001082 |
(37.8 MB) | Letter to Charles Livingstone | 8 November 1854 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Golungo Alto | 12 | 4to | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 779 | MS. 10708 | Isaac Schapera, ed., David Livingstone, Family Letters, 1841-1856, vol. 2 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1959), vol. 2, 250-257. | Letters, 0347 | liv_000827 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 2 September 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Hamilton | 4 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Livingstone Museum: G17/IN1 | | | | liv_003231 |
(15.7 MB) | Letter to Charles Livingstone | 16 May 1849 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Kolobeng | 4 | 400 x 250 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of Scotland: MS. 10707, 29-30 | | Isaac Schapera, ed., David Livingstone, Family Letters, 1841-1856, vol. 2 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1959), vol. 2, 48-57. | Letters, 0204 | liv_000673 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 25 March, 26 April 1851 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Kolobeng, Two Days north of Kolobeng | 3 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Missionary Herald (Boston, MA), June 1922, 219-221. | Letters, 0246 | liv_000720 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 10 September 1852 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Kuruman | 2 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), Jul. 19-22, 9-10, ex. | Letters, 0286 | liv_000764 |
(17.3 MB) | Letter to Charles Livingstone | 16 March 1847 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Livingstone, Mary, 1821-1862 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Kuruman | 4 | 400 x 248 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 781 | MS. 10708 | Isaac Schapera, ed., David Livingstone, Family Letters, 1841-1856, vol. 2 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1959), vol. 1, 189-195. | Letters, 0162 | liv_000627 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 10 October 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Newstead Abbey | 3 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Livingstone Museum: G17/IN3 | | | | liv_003227 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 8 October 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Newstead Abbey | 8 | 177 x 114 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Livingstone Museum: G17/IN2 | MS. 10779 | W. Edward Oswell, William Cotton Oswell, Hunter and Explorer, 2 vols. (London: William Heinemann, 1900), vol. 2, 78, ex. | Letters, 1503 | liv_002082 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 20 December 1855 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | River of the Bashukulompo near its Confluence with the Zambesi, Lat. 15° 47' S. Long 28° 50' E | 5 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), Aug. 1922, 216-220, ex. | Letters, 0391 | liv_000873 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 10 May 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | S.S. "Pearl" | 7 | 322 x 201 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Oberlin College. Archives: Charles Livingstone Collection [missing] | MS. 10779 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 431-432. | Letters, 0793 | liv_001322 |
| Letter to Charles Livingstone | 21 September 1853 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Sekeletu's Town | 4 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), Aug. 1922, 213-216. | Letters, 0319 | liv_000798 |
(17.3 MB) | Letter to Charles Livingstone | 6 February, 18 March, 7 June 1853 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | [Motlatsa-Linyanti] | 4 | 400 x 250 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of Scotland: MS. 10707, 33-34 | | Isaac Schapera, ed., David Livingstone, Family Letters, 1841-1856, vol. 2 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1959), vol. 2, 206-214. The Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), Aug. 1922, 212-213. | Letters, 0311 | liv_000790 |