| Signed Copy of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa | 29 October 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Smith, E.P. | London | | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: 713 | | | Books, 01 (10) | liv_002784 |
(5.3 MB) | Signed Copy of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa | 29 October 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Harriette C., 1825-1900 | London | 1 | 225 x 145 x 60 | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: T0413 | | | | liv_002721 |
| Letter to Philip E. Wodehouse | 3 July 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Wodehouse, Philip E., 1811-1887 | Murchison Cataracts | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 890, 201-204 | MS. 10715 | | Letters, 1361 | liv_001931 |
(28.1 MB) | Letter to James R. Bennett | 30 June 1843 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Bennett, James R., 1809-1891 | Kuruman | 8 | 320 x 200 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of Scotland: MS. 10707, 16-17; David Livingstone Centre: 776b | MS. 10708 | David Chamberlin, ed., Some Letters from Livingstone, 1840-1872 (London: Oxford University Press, 1940), 49-58. | Letters, 0078 | liv_000533 |
| Letter to John Kirk 2 | 30 October, 16 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Kirk, John 2, 1832-1922 | Ujiji | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 1115, 583-589 | MS. 10734 | Henry M. Stanley, How I Found Livingstone (etc.) (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 1872), 704-707. The Times (London), 27 Sept. 1872, 3 c. 3. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872, LXX [C-598], 15-17. | Letters, 1973 | liv_003145 |
(13.7 MB) | Letter to Andrew Smith | 31 May 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Smith, Andrew, 1797-1872 | River Zambesi | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 773 | MS. 10708 | | Letters, 0902 | liv_001439 |
(135.9 MB) | Field Diary II | 4 April-14 May 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East Africa] | 106 | 151 x 90 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries; field notes | David Livingstone Centre: 1124 | MS. 10720 | | Field Diaries, 15 | liv_000002 |
(6.0 MB) | Letter to Klaso Whitboy | 4 August 1841 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Whitboy, Klaso | Kuruman | 1 | 160 x 183 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 542 | MS. 10708 | | Letters, 0031 | liv_000486 |
(148.2 MB) | Field Diary I | 4 August 1865-31 March 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Britain-France-East Africa] | 106 | 151 x 90 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries; field notes | David Livingstone Centre: 1123 | MS. 10719 | | Field Diaries, 14 | liv_000001 |
| Letter to Benjamin T. Pyne | 4 December 1850 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Pyne, Benjamin T., 1798/9-1880 | Kuruman | 4 | 260 x 200 | copies (derivative objects); letters; photocopies | David Livingstone Centre: 815 | MS. 10708 | David Chamberlin, ed., Some Letters from Livingstone, 1840-1872 (London: Oxford University Press, 1940), 141-144. The Times (London), 22 Aug. 1938, 7 c. 1, ex. | Letters, 0241 | liv_000713 |
| Autograph | 4 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Birkenhead | 1 | 182 x 113 | autographs (manuscripts); signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: [missing] | | | Autographs and Autograph Books, 14 | liv_002746 |
(2.2 MB) | Letter to James Hamilton | 4 May 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hamilton, James, 1814-1867 | 8 Dover St., London | 4 | 180 x 114 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 783 | MS. 10708 | | Letters, 1697 | liv_002285 |
(12.1 MB) | Calculations and Geographical and Cultural Notes | 4-6 November 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South Central Africa] | 4 | 215 x 165 (first), 140 x 150 (second) | autographs (manuscripts); research notes | David Livingstone Centre: 828a | | | | liv_000049 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 5 August 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | Kongone | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 890, 78-87 | MS. 10715 | | Letters, 1258 | liv_003063 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 5 August 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | Kongone | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 890, 87-89 | MS. 10715 | | Letters, 1259 | liv_003064 |
| Letter to John Kirk 2 | 5 February 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Kirk, John 2, 1832-1922 | Bambarre, Manyuema | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 1115, 535 | MS. 10734 | | Letters, 1961 | liv_003144 |
(129.6 MB) | Field Diary V | 5 September-23 October 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East Africa] | 106 | 151 x 90 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries; field notes | David Livingstone Centre: 1126 | MS. 10723 | | Field Diaries, 18 | liv_000005 |
(13.3 MB) | Letter to Horace Waller | 6 February 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Waller, Horace, 1833-1896 | [Zanzibar] | | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 1417 | | | | liv_002646 |
| Letter to [Charles S. de Neufville Lucas?] | 6 October 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Lucas, Charles S. de Neufville, ?-1887 | Poonah | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; photocopies | David Livingstone Centre: 789 | MS. 10708 | | Letters, 1827 | liv_002422 |
(379.9 MB) | Field Diary XV | 7 July-1 December 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South Central Africa] | 150 | 155 x 85 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries; field notes | David Livingstone Centre: 1131 | MS. 10728 | | Field Diaries, 28 | liv_000015 |
(9.9 MB) | Letter to John Pennell | 7 March 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Pennell, John | Mosambique | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 762 | MS. 10708 | | Letters, 1434 | liv_002007 |
(426.0 MB) | Astronomical Observations | 7 October 1863-14 June 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South East Africa] | 157 + many blank | 175 x 115 | astronomical stations (coordinates); autographs (manuscripts) | David Livingstone Centre: 1117 | MS. 10716 | | Astronomical Observations, 05 | liv_000031 |
(7.5 MB) | Notes and Calculations for Field Diary XVII | 7-9 April 1873 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 340 x 215 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries; field notes | David Livingstone Centre: T0317 | | | | liv_000073 |
| Receipt for Mrs. J[ohn] Philip | 8 April 1841 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Philip, Mrs. John, ?-1847 | [Southern Africa] | | | autographs (manuscripts); receipts (financial records) | David Livingstone Centre: 097 | | | Documents, 03 | liv_002822 |
| Letter to Edward D. Young | 8 August 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Young, Edward D., 1831-1896 | HMS Exploring Ship "Pioneer" | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 890, 95 | MS. 10715 | | Letters, 1260 | liv_001813 |
(79.1 MB) | Astronomical Observations | 8 June-12 December 1869 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Manyuema Country] | 48 | 158 x 100 | astronomical stations (coordinates); autographs (manuscripts) | David Livingstone Centre: 1122 | MS. 10730 | | Astronomical Observations, 08 | liv_000025 |
| Signed Copy of Analysis of the Language of the Bechuanas | 8 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Somerville, Andrew | Birkenhead | | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: 099a | | | Books, 02 (04) | liv_002808 |
(37.8 MB) | Letter to Charles Livingstone | 8 November 1854 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Golungo Alto | 12 | 4to | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 779 | MS. 10708 | Isaac Schapera, ed., David Livingstone, Family Letters, 1841-1856, vol. 2 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1959), vol. 2, 250-257. | Letters, 0347 | liv_000827 |
(1.7 MB) | Letter to William O. Livingstone | 9 January 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, William O., 1851-1892 | London | 4 | 155 x 113 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 764 | MS. 10708 | James I. Macnair, Greatheart (Children's Missionary Magazine of the Church of Scotland), New Series, XVI, no. 5 (May) (1936): 106-108. | Letters, 0453 | liv_000943 |
| Signed Copy of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa | 9 November 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Agnes 3, 1847-1912 | London | | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: 1134 | | | Books, 01 (15) | liv_002789 |
(460.2 MB) | Journal from Zambesi Expedition | 9 November 1861-1 May 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South East Africa] | 241 | 215 x 320 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries | David Livingstone Centre: 890 | MS. 10715 | | Journals, 09 | liv_000030 |
(18.0 MB) | Letter to Charles Whish | 9 October 1846 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Whish, Charles | Chonuane | 4 | 400 x 247 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 780 | MS. 10708 | David Chamberlin, ed., Some Letters from Livingstone, 1840-1872 (London: Oxford University Press, 1940), 90-94. | Letters, 0156 | liv_000621 |
(376.1 MB) | Field Diary X | 9 September 1867-2 January 1868 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 138 | 136 x 81 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries; field notes | David Livingstone Centre: 1129 | MS. 10726 | | Field Diaries, 23 | liv_000010 |
| Letter to [Thomas Clegg?] | April 1857-February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clegg, Thomas | [Britain] | | 78 x 112 | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | David Livingstone Centre: Not located | MS. 10779 | | Letters and Letter Fragments, 10 | liv_002899 |
| Label in Sextant | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Britain or Africa?] | | | autographs (manuscripts); labels (identifying artifacts) | David Livingstone Centre: 336 | | | Sketches, Envelopes, and Odd Scraps, 33.1 | liv_002985 |
| Receipt Form (Not Used) for Captain, Her Majesty's Ship | February 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Her Majesty's Ship, Commander | Unyanyembe | 1 | 215 x 240 | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); photocopies; receipts (financial records) | David Livingstone Centre: [missing] | MS. 10708 | | Documents, 40 | liv_002860 |
| Receipt for George H. Richards | February 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Richards, George H., 1819-1876 | [East Africa] | | 250 x 230 | autographs (manuscripts); receipts (financial records) | David Livingstone Centre: 770 | | Sotheby's Cat., 21 Jun. 1960, lot 439. | | liv_002989 |
(1.1 MB) | Fragment of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Part III) | January-October 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Britain] | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); manuscripts for publication | David Livingstone Centre: 834 | | | Books, 01 | liv_000103 |
| Signed Copy of A Popular Account of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa | July 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Unyanyembe | | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: 129 | | | Books, 01 | liv_002772 |
(80.5 MB) | Notebook Entitled Copy from Observations of Kuzinga-Mubozwa Country | July-October 1868 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Kuzinga-Mubozwa Country] | 40 | 180 x 115 | autographs (manuscripts); research notes; vocabulary | David Livingstone Centre: 1122 | MS. 10730 | | Notebooks, 17 | liv_000024 |
(210.1 MB) | Notebook | March 1866-March 1870 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East Africa] | 114 | 192 x 121 | autographs (manuscripts); research notes | David Livingstone Centre: 807 | MS. 10762 | | Notebooks, 15 | liv_000023 |
(5.9 MB) | Letter to Lord Kinnaird | November 1870 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Kinnaird, Lord, 1807-1878 | Manyema Country, Cent. Afr. | | | copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: DLC store J/4/2 | MS. 10779 | Dundee Advertiser, 9 Aug. 1872. | Letters, 1955 | liv_002556 |
| Letter to William Sunley | [10 April 1861?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Sunley, William, ?-1886 | Johanna | 1 | 231 x 172 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: [missing] | MS. 10779 | | Letters, 1102 | liv_001649 |
| Letter to [William C. Oswell?] | [10-14 June 1865] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Oswell, William C., 1818-1893 | [Burnbank Road, Hamilton or Botanic Garden, Oxford?] | 2 | 75 x 115 | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | David Livingstone Centre: Not located | MS. 10779 | | Letters and Letter Fragments, 19 | liv_002909 |
(0.8 MB) | Letter to Unknown | [18-23 September 1864] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | British Association, Bath | 1 | 178 x 113 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 819 | | | Letters, 1489 | liv_002068 |
(5.4 MB) | Oath to Faculty of Medicine and Surgery | [1840?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Scotland] | 1 | 225 x 195 | autographs (manuscripts); oaths | David Livingstone Centre: 396 | MS. 10754 | Elspeth Huxley, The Challenge of Africa (London: Aldus Books Ltd, 1971), 260 | Documents, 02.5 | liv_000043 |
| Sketch Map of Transcontinental Journey | [1856-1858?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Craig, [?] | [Britain?] | 1 | 510 x 580 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps; sketches | David Livingstone Centre: 260 | | | | liv_002992 |
| Signed Copy of Analysis of the Language of the Bechuanas | [1858] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Thornton, Richard, 1838-1863 | [Britain] | | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: 099b | | | Books, 02 (05) | liv_002809 |
| Sketch Map of Murchison Cataracts | [1861?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Murchison's Cataracts?] | 1 | 450 x 130 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps; sketches | David Livingstone Centre: 827 | | | | liv_002995 |
(9.7 MB) | Map of Central Africa | [1867-1873] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Central Africa] | 1 | 700 x 800 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 152 | | | | liv_000041 |
(16.0 MB) | Map of Area North of Lake Bangweolo | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 360 x 300 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 808a | | | | liv_000036 |
(11.5 MB) | Map of Area North of Lake Bangweolo and Lake Tanganyika | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 1150 x 800 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 808b | | | | liv_000038 |
(18.7 MB) | Map of Area from Lake Bangweolo North to Luango River | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 330 x 450 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 808a | | | | liv_000034 |
(18.4 MB) | Map of Eastern End of Lake Bangweolo | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 480 x 320 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 808a | | | | liv_000037 |
(16.5 MB) | Map of Part of Journey in Nanguwena Country | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 290 x 350 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 808a | | | | liv_000035 |
(22.5 MB) | Map of Southern End of Lake Nyasa | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 260 x 320 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 808a | | | | liv_000033 |
(11.4 MB) | Map of Southern End of Lake Nyasa | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 250 x 385 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 150 | | | | liv_000039 |
(18.4 MB) | Map of Southern End of Lake Tanganyika | [1870s] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East and Central Africa] | 1 | 250 x 330 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 808a | | | | liv_000032 |
| Letter to [Thomas Clegg?] | [23 February 1858?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clegg, Thomas | [18 Hart St., London or Burnback, Hamilton] | | 48 x 119 | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | David Livingstone Centre: Not located | MS. 10779 | | Letters and Letter Fragments, 09 | liv_002898 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 4 | [29 December 1862] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | River Zambesi | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 890, 133-138 | MS. 10715 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1864, LXVI [60] B, 121-122. | Letters, 1307 | liv_003105 |
(11.5 MB) | Letter to James Louden | [30 December 1856?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Louden, James, ?-1902 | [Hamilton] | 3 | 185 x 115 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 766a | MS. 10708 | | Letters, 0448 | liv_000937 |
(11.9 MB) | Letter to James Louden | [30 May-4 July 1865?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Louden, James, ?-1902 | [Hamilton] | 2 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 766b | MS. 10708 | | Letters, 1763 | liv_002356 |
(9.1 MB) | Map of Shire River, the Nyasa and Shirwa Lakes, and the Lower Courses of the Zambesi and Rovuma Rivers | [After 1865] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [East Africa] | 1 | 410 x 670, 180 x 160 (flap) | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 153 | | | | liv_000042 |
(1.1 MB) | Prescription | [January-May 1857] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | 57 Sloane St. | 1 | 180 x 125 | autographs (manuscripts); prescriptions | David Livingstone Centre: T0412 | | | | liv_002998 |
(1.6 MB) | Envelope to Miss [?] Curie | [June 1865?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Currie, Miss[?] | Burnbank Road, Hamilton | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); envelopes | David Livingstone Centre: 348 | | | Sketches, Envelopes, and Odd Scraps, 16 | liv_000068 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | [June-October 1845?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | [Mabotsa?] | 2 | 250 x 187 | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | David Livingstone Centre: [missing] | MS. 10709 | | Letters, 0133 | liv_000595 |
(17.3 MB) | Letter to Charles Livingstone | 16 March 1847 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Livingstone, Mary, 1821-1862 | Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873 | Kuruman | 4 | 400 x 248 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 781 | MS. 10708 | Isaac Schapera, ed., David Livingstone, Family Letters, 1841-1856, vol. 2 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1959), vol. 1, 189-195. | Letters, 0162 | liv_000627 |
| Postscript Added to Letter | 16 March 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Livingstone, Mary, 1821-1862 | Livingstone, Thomas S., 1849-1876 | [Zambesi River] | | 209 x 267 | annotations; autographs (manuscripts); letters | David Livingstone Centre: Not located | MS. 10707 | | Sketches, Envelopes, and Odd Scraps, 34 | liv_002986 |
| London Missionary Society Questionnaire | 17 January 1838 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; London Missionary Society | | [Britain] | | 42 x 28 | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); questionnaires | David Livingstone Centre: 826 | | | | liv_002994 |
| Letter to [Custodio Jose da Silva] | 5 January 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Machada, Francisco de Salles | Silva, Custodio Jose da | Shupanga | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 890, 139-142 | MS. 10715 | | Letters, 1308 | liv_003106 |
(1.7 MB) | Blotting Paper Found in David Livingstone's Diaries with Impressions of His Writing, Authenticated by James I. Macnair | [1866-1873] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Macnair, James I., 1869-1955 | | [East and Central Africa] | 4 | 170 x 140 | autographs (manuscripts); blotting paper | David Livingstone Centre: 832c | | | | liv_002997 |
(20.2 MB) | Letter to Neil Livingstone 2 | 27 February 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; McCallum, Robert G. | Livingstone, Neil 2 | 57 Sloane St., London | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 895 | | | Letters, 0472 | liv_000965 |
(4.6 MB) | Signed Copy of Lydia H. Sigourney, Lays from the West (1834) | 25 June 1840 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Sigourney, Lydia H., 1791-1865 | Ridley, Catherine | London | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: 390 | | Sotheby's Cat., 25 Apr. 1934, lot 553. | Autographs and Autograph Books, 20 | liv_002709 |
(3.0 MB) | Annotated Map of Africa | [1856] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | | Kendal | 1 | 335 x 400 | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); maps (documents); publications | David Livingstone Centre: 154 | | | | liv_002991 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 1 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Stanley, Henry M., 1841-1904 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Ujiji | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 1115, 554-564 | MS. 10734 | The Times (London), 6 Aug. 1872, 12. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872 LXX [C-598], 6-10. Anon., The Life and Finding of Dr. Livingstone (London: Dean & Son, 1873), 262-273. | Letters, 1974 | liv_003146 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 1, 15 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Stanley, Henry M., 1841-1904 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Ujiji | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | David Livingstone Centre: 1115, 551-553 | MS. 10734 | The Times (London), 6 Aug. 1872, 12. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872 LXX [C-598], 5-6. Anon., The Life and Finding of Dr. Livingstone (London: Dean & Son, 1873), 258-261. | Letters, 1975 | liv_003147 |
(31.7 MB) | Journal [Second Unyanyembe Journal] | 14-24 August 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Stanley, Henry M., 1841-1904 | | [Unyanyembe] | 1 + many blank | 335 x 200 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries | David Livingstone Centre: 963 | | | | liv_000050 |
(2.0 MB) | Note beside a Picture of a Tombstone from a Trade Catalogue | 1863-1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Unknown creator | | [Britain] | 1 | 115 x 155 | autographs (manuscripts); engravings (prints); notes | David Livingstone Centre: 805 | | | Documents, 35 | liv_002855 |
(106.9 MB) | Field Diary XVII | 9 April-28 April 1873 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Wainwright, Jacob, ?-1892 | | [South Central Africa] | 30 + many blank | 153 x 86 | autographs (manuscripts); diaries; field notes | David Livingstone Centre: 360 | MS. 10729A | David Livingstone, The Last Journals of David Livingstone, ed. Horace Waller, 2 vols. (London: John Murray, 1874), vol. 2, 298-299. Judith Listowel, The Other Livingstone (Lewes, Sussex: Julian Friedmann Publishers Ltd., 1974), 227. | Field Diaries, 30 | liv_000017 |
| Signed Copy of Noah Webster, Dictionary | June 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 | | Unyanyembe | 1 | 140 x 100 | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | David Livingstone Centre: 323 | | | Autographs and Autograph Books, 23 | liv_002759 |
(4.3 MB) | David Livingstone Centenary Coin | 1913 | London Missionary Society | | [Britain] | | | commemoratives | David Livingstone Centre: 825 | | | | liv_012032 |
(1.2 MB) | Ivory Lip Ring | May 1859 | Manganga Ethnic Group, Africa | | [South East Africa] | | | ivories (sculptures); rings (object genres) | David Livingstone Centre: 809 | | | | liv_012043 |
(1.6 MB) | Translation of "The Commandments of the Lord" | 4 May 1874 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | | [Britain?] | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); translations (documents) | David Livingstone Centre: 1206 | | | | liv_012055 |
(164.8 MB) | Journal | 8 January 1849-c.19 September 1849 | Murray, Mungo, 1802-1890 | | [Kolobeng?] | 116 + many blank | 210 x 180 | diaries | David Livingstone Centre: T0053 | | | | liv_000076 |
(8.7 MB) | Map of Lake Ngami Area | [1849-1852] | Oswell, William C., 1818-1893 | | [Southern Africa] | 1 | 480 x 510 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | David Livingstone Centre: 151 | | | | liv_000040 |
(1.6 MB) | Lock of David Livingstone's Hair; Certified as being Removed from His Body at the Royal Geographical Society Inspection | 15 April 1874 | Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) | | [Royal Geographical Society, London] | | | hair (material) | David Livingstone Centre: 1230 | | | | liv_012044 |
(4.0 MB) | Royal Geographical Society Silver Medal, Awarded Retrospectively to Each of the Africans who Carried David Livingstone's Body to the East Coast of Africa | 1874 | Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) | Ulemengo | [Britain] | | | commemorative medals | David Livingstone Centre: 481 | | F. Pridmore and D.H. Simpson, "Faithful to the End: The Royal Geographical Society's Livingstone Medals," Numismatic Circular 78 (1970): 192-196. | | liv_012031 |
(2.2 MB) | Blantyre Mills Wages Cheque Found in an Old Safe in Blantyre | 15 December 1919 | Unknown creator | | [Blantyre, Scotland] | 1 | | checks (bank checks) | David Livingstone Centre: 395 | | | | liv_012034 |
(3.3 MB) | David Livingstone's Pocket Bible | 1795 | Unknown creator | Chuma, James, c.1850-1882 | [Britain] | | | books | David Livingstone Centre: 296 | | | | liv_012025 |
(2.8 MB) | Mary Moffat's Wedding Ring | 1844 | Unknown creator | | [Southern Africa] | | | wedding rings | David Livingstone Centre: T0047 | | | | liv_012027 |
(3.6 MB) | List of Psalms read by Dr. Livingstone | 27-28 November 1857 | Unknown creator | | [London] | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); lists (document genres); prayers (documents) | David Livingstone Centre: 846 | | | | liv_012053 |
(2.7 MB) | David Livingstone Funeral Tickets for Westminster Abbey (Choir and Transept) | April 1874 | Unknown creator | | [London] | | | admission tickets | David Livingstone Centre: 841a, 841b | | | | liv_012039 |
(1.9 MB) | Telegram Giving Invitation David Livingstone's Funeral | April 1874 | Unknown creator | Louden, James, ?-1902 | [Britain] | 1 | | invitations; telegrams | David Livingstone Centre: 222 | | | | liv_012040 |
(1.2 MB) | Livingstone's Shaving Brush | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Unknown creator | | [Britain?] | | | shaving brushes | David Livingstone Centre: 137 | | | | liv_012037 |
(3.4 MB) | Lock of David Livingstone's Hair in a Leather Standing Frame | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Unknown creator | | [Britain?] | | | hair (material) | David Livingstone Centre: 484 | | | | liv_012038 |
(2.9 MB) | Pocket Compass Used by David Livingstone throughout His Travels | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Unknown creator | | [Britain] | | | compasses (direction indicators) | David Livingstone Centre: 304 | | | | liv_012036 |
(1.8 MB) | Glass Tube of Dye Found by Plot Holders on the Site of the Old Dye Works at Blantyre | Date Unknown (c.1800) | Unknown creator | | [Blantyre, Scotland] | | | dye | David Livingstone Centre: 384 | | | | liv_012035 |
(28.2 MB) | Case for David Livingstone Maps from 1870s, plus Printed Map of North Africa | Date Unknown Date Unknown (c.1930?) | Unknown creator | | [Britain] | | | map cases; maps (documents); publications | David Livingstone Centre: 808a, 808b | | | | liv_012046 |
(11.0 MB) | Wooden Casket Containing the Freedom of City of London Conferred on David Livingstone | [1857] | Unknown creator | | [Britain] | | | caskets (personal gear); commemorative sculptures | David Livingstone Centre: 339 | | | | liv_012028 |
(1.2 MB) | Ivory Bracelet | [1859] | Unknown creator | | [South East Africa] | | | bracelets (jewelry); ivories (sculptures) | David Livingstone Centre: 810 | | | | liv_012029 |