| Letter to Robert L. Playfair and John Kirk 2 | November 1870 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Kirk, John 2, 1832-1922; Playfair, Robert L., 1828-1899 | Bambarre, Manyema Country | 4 | 123 x 119 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Reginald Foskett, ed., The Zambesi Doctors: David Livingstone's Letters to John Kirk, 1858-1872 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1964), 140-144. Christie's (London), 25 Sept. 2008, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | Letters, 1956 | liv_002557 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | 10 March 1845 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | Motito | 2 | 4to | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 21 Jul. 1965. lot 761. | Letters, 0115 | liv_000577 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | September 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | Near Tanganyika | 2 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Dr. Macaulay, Livingstone Anecdotes (London: Religious Tract Society, 1886), 121-122. Rev. Dr. [Robert] Moffat, "David Livingstone," The Sunday at Home (London), 1061 (29 Aug. 1874), 551. | Letters, 2020 | liv_002625 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | [13 August 1845] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | [Mabotsa] | 6 lines | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Myers' Cat., 8 (1972), no. 5, item 1. | Letters, 0128 | liv_000590 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | [1844-1853] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | [Southern Africa] | 2 | 4to | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 23 Mar. 1936, lot 170. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 04 | liv_002892 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | [1847?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | [Southern Africa] | 2 | | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Ebay, 2016, link (accessed 21 Dec. 2016). | | liv_003118 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | [3-10 November 1866], 1 February 1867 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | Chipeta Country Lat. 14° 8' S., Long. 33° E.-[Bemba] | 3 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Rev. Dr. [Robert] Moffat, "David Livingstone," The Sunday at Home (London), 1061, no. 29 Aug. (1874): 549-554. 551-552, 554. | Letters, 1905 | liv_002504 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 | [June-October 1845?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | [Mabotsa?] | 14 lines | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Myers' Cat., 8 (1972), no. 5, item 3. Myers' Cat., 6 (Spring, 1967), no. 12. | Letters, 0134 | liv_000596 |
| Letter to Robert Moffat 1 with Endorsement | [August 1843-October 1845?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | [Mabotsa?] | 12 lines | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Myers' Cat., 8 (1972), no. 5, item 2. | Letters, 0135 | liv_000597 |
| Letter to Robert N. Hayward | 10 December 1841 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hayward, Robert N., ?-1861 | Kuruman | 4 | folio | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Phillips in Scotland Cat., 20 Oct. 1976, lot 222. | Letters, 0042 | liv_000497 |
| Letter to Roderick I. Murchison | 13 March 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Murchison, Roderick I., 1792-1871 | Unyanyembe District | 8 | folio | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 16 (1871-72), 433-436. Henry M. Stanley, How I Found Livingstone (etc.) (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, & Rivington, 1890), xlviii-lii. Sotheby's Cat., 24 July 1978, lot 184. | Letters, 2005 | liv_002609 |
| Letter to Roderick I. Murchison | 17 May 1855 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Murchison, Roderick I., 1792-1871 | Cabango, Lunda Country | 2 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 26 (1856), 80-81. | Letters, 0372 | liv_000854 |
| Letter to Roderick I. Murchison | April-July 1870 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Murchison, Roderick I., 1792-1871 | Manyuema or Cannibal Country, say 180 miles W. of Ujiji | 5 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 18 (1873-74), 274-278. | Letters, 1946 | liv_002547 |
| Letter to Samuel Wilberforce | [1859-1860?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Wilberforce, Samuel, 1805-1873 | [South East Africa] | 2 | oblong 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 19 Jul. 1960, lot 392. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 12 | liv_002902 |
| Letter to Stephen J. Hill | 1 August 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hill, Stephen J., 1809-1891 | Kongone Harbour | 4 | 4to | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | MS. 10769 | Christie's Cat., 23 Jun. 1976, lot 212. | Letters, 0925 | liv_001462 |
| Letter to T.M.B. Paterson | 27 August 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Paterson, T.M.B., 1844-1921 | Hamilton | 2 | 188 x 163 | copies (derivative objects); letters; photocopies | Private owner | MS. 10779 | | Letters, 1473 | liv_002051 |
| Letter to The Duke of Argyll | 25 March 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Argyll, The Duke of, 1823-1900 | 57 Sloane St., London | | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's (New York) Cat., 23 May 1984, lot 85. | Letters, 0483.6 | liv_000978 |
| Letter to The Duke of Argyll | 5 March 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Argyll, The Duke of, 1823-1900 | Tette | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Dowager Duchess of Argyll, ed., George Douglas, Eighth Duke of Argyll, KG, KT (1823 - 1900), Autobiography and Memoirs, 2 vols. (London: John Murray, 1906), vol. 2, 512, ex. | Letters, 0880 | liv_001414 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 17 July 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | 16 Belgrave Sq., [London] | 3 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 20313 | | Letters, 1769.3 | liv_002363 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 19 March 1856 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Tete or Nyungwe | 5 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 2 1857, XLIV [212] A, 62-66. Boletim Offical Do Governo Geral Da Provincia de Mocambique, No. 8 (20 Feb. 1858), 35-36; No. 10 (6 Mar. 1858), 42-43; No. 11 (13 Mar. 1858), 47-48; No. 16 (17 Apr. 1858), 67-68. Boletim Offical Do Governo Geral Da Provincia de Angola, No. 600 (18 Mar. 1857), 8-11; No. 601 (4 Apr. 1857), 9-11. | Letters, 0405 | liv_000891 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 30 September 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Marobert, Zambesi | 8 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 20313 | | Letters, 0838.5 | liv_001370 |
| Letter to Thomas Baines | 15 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Baines, Thomas, 1820-1875 | [18 Hart St., London] | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Maggs' Cat., Christmas 1918, no. 2401. | Letters, 0713 | liv_001232 |
| Letter to Thomas Baines | 18 April 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Baines, Thomas, 1820-1875 | Screw Steamer "Pearl" at Sea | 2 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 434-435. | Letters, 0782 | liv_001308 |
| Letter to Thomas Baines | 20 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Baines, Thomas, 1820-1875 | 18 Hart St., London | | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | J.P.R. Wallis, Letter to the Editor, Observer, 29 Aug. 1937. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 08 | liv_002897 |
| Letter to Thomas Baines | 21 July 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Baines, Thomas, 1820-1875 | Senna | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | South African Advertiser and Mail, 6 Feb. 1861. J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 1, 118. | Letters, 0914 | liv_001451 |
| Letter to Thomas Clegg | 21 July 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clegg, Thomas | Hadley Green, Barnet | 3 | 180 x 110 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 20313 | Phillips' Cat., 11 Dec. 1980, lot 140. Invaluable (Bloomsbury Auctions, New York, NY), 12 Dec. 2007, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). Invaluable (Bloomsbury Auctions, New York, NY), 22 Jul. 2010, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | Letters, 0558.7 | liv_001064 |
| Letter to Thomas Dick | 17 January 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Dick, Thomas, 1774-1857 | Mission House, Blomfield St. | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 20314 | | Letters, 0453.7 | liv_000944 |
| Letter to Thomas Dick | 7 July 1843 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Dick, Thomas, 1774-1857 | Kuruman, South Africa | 3 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 20314 | Andrusier Autographs, 2015, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015 [link no longer valid]). | Letters, 0078.5 | liv_000534 |
| Letter to Thomas Letts | 20 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Letts, Thomas, 1803-1873 | 18 Hart St., London | 3 | 230 x 183 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 20313 | | Letters, 0729.5 | liv_001251 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 1 October 1851 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Banks of the Zouga | 7 | 252 x 199 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0255.9 | liv_000730 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 14 January 1846 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Bakwain Country | 4 | 320 x 200 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0143.8 | liv_000606 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 14 January 1851 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Kuruman | 3 | 228 x 183 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0243.1 | liv_000716 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 20 December 1848 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Mogale's Berg | 4 | 227 x 183 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0191.9 | liv_000660 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 21 June 1847 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Kuruman | 3 | 400 x 249 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0169.4 | liv_000635 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 24 January 1855 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Cassange, Angola, W. Africa | 4 | 235 x 186 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0360.7 | liv_000842 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 25 August 1846 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Chonuane, Bakuena Country | 4 | 320 x 198 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0152.8 | liv_000617 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 26 March 1856 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Tete, on the Zambesi | 8 | 334 x 214 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0408.1 | liv_000895 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 28 April 1852 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Cape Town | 4 | 275 x 219 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0274.1 | liv_000752 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 3 December 1850 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Kuruman | 4 | 251 x 202 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0239.9 | liv_000711 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 30 March 1852 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Cape Town | 4 | 400 x 250 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0266.9 | liv_000743 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 5 April 1848 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Kolobeng, Bakwain Country | 4 | 400 x 249 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0182.9 | liv_000650 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 7 December 1844 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Mabotsa | 4 | 322 x 203 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0113.1 | liv_000575 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | 9 September 1850 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | Kolobeng | 4 | 400 x 250 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10777 | | Letters, 0235.1 | liv_000706 |
| Letter to Thomas M. Steele | September-October 1849 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Steele, Thomas M., 1820-1890 | [Kolobeng?] | 3 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 20 (1850), 138-142, ex. | Letters, 0215 | liv_000685 |
| Letter to Thomas Maclear | 27 May 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Burnbank Road, Hamilton | 12 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10708 | Christie's Cat., 1 Aug. 1962, lot 214. Christie's (London), 26 Sept. 2007, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). Invaluable (Christie's, London), 22 Sept. 2004, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | Letters, 1725 | liv_002316 |
| Letter to Thomas Maclear | November 1870 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Manyema | 2 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Cape Monthly Magazine (Cape Town), n.s. 5 (1872), 242-249. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 17 (1872-73), 68-69. | Letters, 1957 | liv_002558 |
| Letter to Thomas Maclear | [March 1872?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | [Unyanyembe?] | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 17 (1872-73). 68, ex. | Letters, 2009 | liv_002613 |
| Letter to Thomas Maclear and William Mann | 17 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879; Mann, William, 1817-1873 | Ujiji | 5 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Cape Monthly Magazine (Cape Town), n.s. 5 (1872), 242-249. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 17 (1872-73), 69-73. William Garden Blaikie, The Personal Life of David Livingstone (London: John Murray, 1880), 426-427. | Letters, 1981 | liv_002583 |
(8.4 MB) | Letter to Thomas S. Livingstone | 10 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Thomas S., 1849-1876 | Pearl in the Mersey | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | William Garden Blaikie, The Personal Life of David Livingstone (London: John Murray, 1880), 240, ex. | Letters, 0763 | liv_001288 |
| Letter to Thomas S. Livingstone | 2 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Thomas S., 1849-1876 | London | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | William Garden Blaikie, The Personal Life of David Livingstone (London: John Murray, 1880), 240, ex. | Letters, 0684 | liv_001200 |
| Letter to Thomas S. Livingstone | 22 November 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Livingstone, Thomas S., 1849-1876 | St. Anne's Hall, Chertsey | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 23 Jun. 1958, lot 258. | Letters, 0626 | liv_001138 |
| Letter to Thomas Ward | 7 March 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Ward, Thomas | Mosambique | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Myers' Cat., 6 (Spring, 1967) no. 13. Kenneth W. Rendell, 2010, link (accessed 21 Dec. 2016). Kenneth W. Rendell, 2015, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015 [link no longer valid]). | Letters, 1435 | liv_002008 |
| Letter to Tito Augosto d'Araujo Sicard | 23 June 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Sicard, Tito Augosto d'Araujo, ?-1864 | Tette | 2 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 1, 109-110. Boletim Official Do Governo Geral Da Provincia de Mocambique, 55 (27 Aug. 1859), 138 | Letters, 0908 | liv_001445 |
| Letter to Tito Augosto d'Araujo Sicard | 23 June 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Sicard, Tito Augosto d'Araujo, ?-1864 | Tette | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 1, 110. | Letters, 0909 | liv_001446 |
| Letter to Titus Salt | 10 November 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Salt, Titus, 1803-1876 | [50 Albemarle St., London] | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 10 Jul. 1950, lot 267. | Letters, 0618 | liv_001130 |
| Letter to Unknown | 1 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Glasgow | 2 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | John Wilson Manuscripts Ltd (Cheltenham), 2016[?], link (accessed 21 Dec. 2016). | | liv_003120 |
| Letter to Unknown | 1 November 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | River Shire | | | copies (derivative objects); letters | Private owner | | The Athenaeum (London), 1688 (3 Mar. 1860), 304. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt (Gotha), 1860, 160-161. | Letters, 0961 | liv_001502 |
| Letter to Unknown | 10 November 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Country of the Chipeta | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | The Times (London), 22 Apr. 1868, 12 c. 2. Christian News (Glasgow), 25 Apr. 1868, 11. | Letters, 1907 | liv_002506 |
| Letter to Unknown | 10 October 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Leeds | 2 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Nate D. Sanders, 27 Jun. 2013, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). Nate D. Sanders, 27 Mar. 2014, link (accessed 21 Dec. 2016). | | liv_000113 |
| Letter to Unknown | 10 October 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | River Shire | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | William Monk, ed., Dr. Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures (etc.) (Cambridge, England: Deighton, Bell, and Co., and London: Bell and Daldy, Second Edition, 1860), 376. | Letters, 0934 | liv_001471 |
| Letter to Unknown | 11 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Hart Street | 2 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Fletcher's Cat., 201 (Spring, 1962), no. 143. | Letters, 0704 | liv_001223 |
| Letter to Unknown | 15 April 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | 57 Sloane St., London | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | MS. 20313 | Bloomsbury Book Auctions Cat., 23 Jun. 1983, lot 188. | Letters, 0502.3 | liv_000999 |
| Letter to Unknown | 15 February 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Tette | 3 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | William Monk, ed., Dr. Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures (etc.) (Cambridge, England: Deighton, Bell, and Co., and London: Bell and Daldy, Second Edition, 1860), 351-353. | Letters, 0869 | liv_001401 |
| Letter to Unknown | 15 February 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Pioneer at Sea | 4 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 23 May 1922, lot 540. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 13 | liv_002903 |
| Letter to Unknown | 17 August 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Hamilton | 7 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 14 Feb. 1929, lot 844. Maggs' Cat., 804 (1951), no. 997. | Letters, 1470 | liv_002048 |
(1.9 MB) | Letter to Unknown | 17 February 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | 57 Sloane St. | 4 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | | | liv_002696 |
| Letter to Unknown | 17 July 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Senna or Off Shupanga?] | 3 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 23 Oct. 1967, lot 199. | Letters, 0810.5 | liv_001341 |
| Letter to Unknown | 2 December 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | 50 Albemarle Street | 2 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | John Wilson Manuscripts Ltd., 2015, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | | liv_000114 |
| Letter to Unknown | 2 December 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [HMS "Pioneer"] | 4 | 4to | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Parke-Bernet's Cat., 28 Mar. 1972, lot 204. | Letters, 1151.5 | liv_001701 |
| Letter to Unknown | 20 June 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Hamilton | 2 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | The Wayfarer's Bookshop, Sept. 2011, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015 [link no longer valid]). | | liv_000134 |
| Letter to Unknown | 20 June 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Burnbank Road Hamilton | 1 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (Pierre Bergé & Associés), 22 November 2010, link (accessed 21 Dec. 2016). | | liv_003121 |
| Letter to Unknown | 20 October 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | River Shire | | | copies (derivative objects); letters | Private owner | | Glasgow Herald, 8 May 1860, 2, c. 3. | Letters, 0951 | liv_001491 |
| Letter to Unknown | 21 January 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Mission House, London | 2 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Christie's Cat., 4 Apr. 1979, lot 69. Maggs' Cat., 1001 (1979), no. 113. | Letters, 0456.5 | liv_000948 |
| Letter to Unknown | 21 January 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [12 Kensington Palace Gardens, London] | 2 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 30 Jul. 1926, lot 228. | Letters, 0671 | liv_001186 |
| Letter to Unknown | 22 December 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | 20 Bedford Square, London | 3 | 4to | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 2 Jul. 1962, lot 235. Sawyer's Cat., SA/56, addenda, 1967, no. 115. | Letters, 0650 | liv_001164 |
| Letter to Unknown | 24 April 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | 57 Sloane Street | 3 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | John Wilson Cat., 32 (1978), no. 56. Invaluable (Swann Auction Galleries, New York, NY), 26 Nov. 2013, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | Letters, 0508.2 | liv_001006 |
| Letter to Unknown | 27 November 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Newstead Abbey | 3 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | John Wilson Cat., 51 (1983), no. 88. | Letters, 1545.3 | liv_002125 |
| Letter to Unknown | 28 November 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Tette] | 3 | | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Journal of the Friends' Historical Society (London and Philadelphia), 14:1 (1917), 28. | Letters, 1055 | liv_001600 |
| Letter to Unknown | 29 August 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Dublin | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Maggs' Cat., 801 (1951), no. 714. | Letters, 0579 | liv_001086 |
| Letter to Unknown | 29 July 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Tavistock Hotel | 4 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 6 Jun. 1950, lot 311. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 16 | liv_002905 |
| Letter to Unknown | 3 April 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Newstead Abbey | 3 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 20 Feb. 1967, 52. | Letters, 1665 | liv_002251 |
| Letter to Unknown | 3 October 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Carlisle | 3 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Rendell Cat., 35, no. 75. | Letters, 0599 | liv_001109 |
(1.9 MB) | Letter to Unknown | 31 December 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Bombay | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 6 Jun. 1950, lot 312. | Letters, 1859 | liv_002457 |
| Letter to Unknown | 6 August 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Hadley Green | 4 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (Christie's, London), 7 Apr. 2004, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | Letters, 0565 | liv_001072 |
| Letter to Unknown | 6 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Birkenhead | 3 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 9 May 1983, lot 384. | Letters, 0756.1 | liv_001281 |
| Letter to Unknown | 6 September 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Hamilton | 1 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (Swann Auction Galleries, New York, NY), 30 Nov. 2006, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). Andrusier Autographs, 2015, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015 [link no longer valid]). | | liv_000126 |
| Letter to Unknown | 8 January 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | River Zambesi | 4 | 4to | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Bonner Cat., 1952, 7. | Letters, 1310 | liv_001869 |
| Letter to Unknown | 8 October 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Mansfield | 2 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Fletcher's Cat., 233 (1971), no. 179. | Letters, 1504 | liv_002083 |
| Letter to Unknown | 8 September, 28 November 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Sesheke-Tete | 1 | | copies (derivative objects); letters | Private owner | | Cape Argus, 18 Apr. 1860. Glasgow Herald, 11 Jun. 1861, 2. | Letters, 1035 | liv_001580 |
| Letter to Unknown | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Britain or Africa?] | 2 | 102 x 89 | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (T. Vennett-Smith, Nottingham) 22 Sept. 2004, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | | liv_000140 |
| Letter to Unknown | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Britain or Africa?] | 2 | | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (International Autograph Auctions, Heathrow), 8 Jun. 2013, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | | liv_000142 |
| Letter to Unknown | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Britain or Africa?] | 2 | | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (International Autograph Auctions, Heathrow), 3 Nov. 2007, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | | liv_000143 |
| Letter to Unknown | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Britain or Africa?] | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (Alexander Historical Auctions, Stamford, CT), 14 Oct. 2006, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | | liv_000144 |
| Letter to Unknown | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Britain or Africa?] | 4 | | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Invaluable (Bearne's, Exeter), 16 Nov. 2004, link (accessed 13 Apr. 2015). | | liv_000145 |
| Letter to Unknown | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Britain or Africa?] | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Autographs Markus Brandes, 2016[?], link (accessed 21 Dec. 2016). | | liv_003122 |
| Letter to Unknown | Date Unknown (No Later than 1873) | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Britain or Africa?] | 1 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 24 Oct. 1972, lot 425. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 24 | liv_002914 |
| Letter to Unknown | June 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Hadley Green] | | | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Sotheby's Cat., 20 Nov. 1972, lot 410. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 06 | liv_002894 |
| Letter to Unknown | [11 September-31 December] 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | Bombay | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; publications | Private owner | | Rendell Cat., 33, no. 312. | Letters, 1862 | liv_002460 |
| Letter to Unknown | [14-21 September 1857?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | 4 Athol Place, Glasgow | 4 | 185 x 114 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | Private owner | MS. 10769 | | Letters, 0590 | liv_001099 |
| Letter to Unknown | [1853-1855] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Unknown addressee | [Southern Africa] | | | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | Private owner | | Adams[?], A Narrative of Dr. Livingstone's Discoveries in South-Central Africa from 1849-1856 (London: Routledge & Co., 1857), 34. | Letters and Letter Fragments, 05 | liv_002893 |