Behind the Scenes: Overview
Cite page (MLA): "Behind the Scenes: Overview." Livingstone Online. Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward, dirs. University of Maryland Libraries, 2018. Web.
The "Behind the Scenes" section of Livingstone Online introduces our staff and project teams. The section also details the international standards that guide our research, cites our many collaborators and supporters, and outlines the terms upon which we make our content available. The guide below describes each of the pages in this part of the site.
Section Guide
The Livingstone Online Staff - introduces the Livingstone Online staff.
Project Teams - lists the team members for the three Livingstone Online projects funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities plus a pilot project that laid the groundwork for the funded projects.
Practices, Standards, and Arrangements - enumerates and defines Livingstone Online's methodological practices, data production standards, and hosting and backup arrangements.
The Livingstone Online Code - describes the ideals that guide the development of Livingstone Online as a whole and determine its day-to-day practices as a Digital Humanities project that collaborates with individuals and institutions around the world and that takes seriously its responsibilities as a publicly funded and accountable entity.
Collaborating Institutions - cites the libraries, museums, and archives that support the work of Livingstone Online.
Acknowledgments - offers a tribute to the incredible friends of Livingstone Online.
Credits and Permissions - sets out the specific credits and permissions for all images, text, and other materials found on Livingstone Online.
Illustrative Image Credits - provides the individual credits for the images used to illustrate our home page, the tiles on our six main section pages, and the carousel tiles that appear at the top of each content page.