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  Note Explanatory of a Map Published by the Viscount de Sa da Bandiera & Sent to the Different European Governments as a "New Portuguese Map"1 December 1862Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Field Diary XII14 April-10 November 1868Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Field Diary III18 May-3 June 1860Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  A Sketch Map of the Lake Region of Eastern Africa, Showing Dr. Livingstone's Discoveries & Routes, From 1866 to 18721873Johnston, Keith, 1804-1871
  Notebook20 September 1854-19 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Notebook27 June 1860-31 October 1860Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Field Diary VI27 September-22 November 1860Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Notebook4-25 September 1859Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Defence of David Livingstone by William C. Oswell Regarding Statements Made by Bishop Charles F. MackenzieDate Unknown (No Later than 1862)Oswell, William C., 1818-1893
  Signed Copy of Norman McLeod, ed., Good Words (1862)Date Unknown (No Later than 1873)Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
McLeod, Norman, 1812-1872
  Signed Copy of Isaac Watts, The Psalms of David, In Metre. Hymns & Spiritual Songs in 3 Books (1840)Date Unknown (No Later than 1873)Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748
  Galley Proofs with Autograph Corrections of Missionary Travels and Researches in South AfricaJanuary-October 1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Notebook[1854-1855?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Map of Barotseland, Including Victoria Falls[1855-1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Map of the Zambesi North of the Chobe River[1855-1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Three Sketch Maps of the Lower Zambesi and One Tracing[1855-1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Two Sketch Maps, Including One of Victoria Falls, and One Sheet of Calculations[1855-1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Calculations Made at Victoria Falls[1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Notebook[1857-1858]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  First Impression and Description of Victoria Falls for Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa[1857]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Agreement Between David Livingstone and Charles Livingstone for Profits from the Sale of Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambezi and its Tributaries[1864-1865]Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873;
Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Corrected Proof of the Dedication of Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries[1865]Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873;
Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Notebook[1867-1869]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Map of Africa with Annotations[? and 1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Walker, Charles;
Walker, John
  Map of the Leeambye (Zambesi) and Bechuanaland[After 1921]Unknown creator
  Letter to James R. Bennett23 June 1848Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Signed Copy of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa22 February 1858Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William Fairbrother14 January 1851Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Foreign Office19 February 1858Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to George Frere13 November 1861Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to George Frere19 November 1862Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to George Frere2 December 1862, 6 January 1863Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to George Frere22 December 1863Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to George Frere7 March 1866Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [?] Ingram20 May 1849Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Charles Livingstone10 October 1864Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Charles Livingstone2 September 1864Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Charles Livingstone8 October 1864Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Signed Copy of the New Testament (Greek)[1841-1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to David Livingstone7 June 1870Smith, [?]
  Letters to David Livingstone, One Sent via Zanzibar, One Sent via the CongoDates Unknown (No Later than 1873)Young, James, 1811-1883
  Signed Copy of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa29 April 1862Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Neil Livingstone20 July 1863Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [?] Livingstone2 June 1863Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Thomas N. MacWilliam & Co.7 December 1871Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Norman McLeod28 August 1866Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Signed Copy of Analysis of the Language of the Bechuanas[1858]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Robert Moffat 1 with EndorsementJanuary 1852Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883
  Letter to William C. Oswell1 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell1 January 1866Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [William C. Oswell]1 March [1865]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell1 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell10 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell10 August 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell10 March 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell10 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell11 January 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell11 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell12 January 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell14 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell15, 18 February 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell16 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [William C. Oswell]17 [April 1865?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell18 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell19 August 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell2 April, 14 May 1859Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell20 March 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell21 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell21 January 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell21 March 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell21 October 1864Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell22 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell22 March 1847Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell22 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell23 March 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell24 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell24 July 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [William C. Oswell]24 November 1870Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell24 [February 1865?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell25 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell25 January 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell25 July 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell25 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell27 June 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell28 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell29 September 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell3 April [1865]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell3 February 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell4 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell4 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [William C. Oswell]6 January 1872Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell6 June 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell7 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell7 November 1859Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Notes to [William C. Oswell]8 April 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell8 February 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell8 January 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell8 July 1868Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell8 March 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to William C. Oswell8 May 1865Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
