| Agreement between David Livingstone and Six European Members of the Zambezi Expedition | 22 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | London | | | agreements; autographs (manuscripts) | National Museum of the Royal Navy (Great Britain): MSS. 120; National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, f. 275 | | | Documents, 16 | liv_002836 |
| Paper on Atmospheric Strata, the Watershed of the Nile, the Economy of the Watershed, Rains, Floods, and Inference Therefrom | [February 1873] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South Central Africa] | 14, 4 (draft), 9 (copy) | irregular folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); essays | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49A, 20-23; FO 2/49A, 34-37 (draft); FO 2/49A, 38-46 (copy) | MS. 10780 | | Papers and Reports, 30 | liv_002955 |
| Letter to Norman B. Bedingfeld | 10 April 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Bedingfeld, Norman B., 1824-1894 | S.S. "Pearl" | 8 | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 II, 48-55 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 413-417. | Letters, 0777 | liv_001303 |
| Letter to Thomas Baines | 11 July 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Baines, Thomas, 1820-1875 | Tette | 1 | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 222 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 1, 115-116. J.P.R. Wallis, Thomas Baines of King's Lynn (London: Jonathen Cape Ltd., 1941), 170-171. | Letters, 0913 | liv_001450 |
| Letter to John Washington | 14 July 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Washington, John, 1800-1863 | Murchison's Cataracts | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 208 | | | Letters, 1376 | liv_001946 |
| Letter to Baldwin W. Walker | 17 February 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Walker, Baldwin W., 1802-1876 | River Zambesi | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 23-24 | | | Letters, 1180 | liv_003054 |
| Letter to Baldwin W. Walker | 19 March 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Walker, Baldwin W., 1802-1876 | Kongone Harbour | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 35-37 | | | Letters, 1205 | liv_003109 |
| Letter to Daniel J. May | 20 April 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | May, Daniel J. | Johanna | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 118-118 1/2 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1112 | liv_001659 |
| Letter to Edmund St. John Garforth | 22 March 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Garforth, Edmund St. John, ?-1921 | Rovuma Bay, HMS "Penguin" | 3 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1265, 452-453 | | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1867, LXXIII [65] A, 97. | Letters, 1889 | liv_002487 |
| Letter to John Washington | 23, 27, 28 April, 12 May 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Washington, John, 1800-1863 | Murchison's Cataracts | 14 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 114-121 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1335 | liv_001902 |
| Letter to Norman B. Bedingfeld | 28 June 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Bedingfeld, Norman B., 1824-1894 | Nyika Island | 2 | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 II, 61-62 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 1, 18. | Letters, 0808 | liv_001338 |
| Letter to John Kirk 2 | 30 October, 16 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Kirk, John 2, 1832-1922 | Ujiji | 7 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49B, 84-87 | MS. 10780 | Henry M. Stanley, How I Found Livingstone (etc.) (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 1872), 704-707. The Times (London), 27 Sept. 1872, 3 c. 3. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872, LXX [C-598], 15-17. | Letters, 1973 | liv_002574 |
| Letter to Norman B. Bedingfeld | 31 July 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Bedingfeld, Norman B., 1824-1894 | Expedition Island | 10 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 II, 68-73 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 1, 24-25. | Letters, 0812 | liv_001343 |
| Letter to Charles T. Jago | 4 July 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Jago, Charles T., ?-1891 | Murchison's Cataracts | 4 | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 186-187 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1363 | liv_001933 |
| Letter to William E.A. Gordon | 9 June 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Gordon, William E.A., ?-1907 | S.S. "Pearl" | 2 | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 I, 81-83 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 1, 10. | Letters, 0797 | liv_001326 |
| Draft of Letter to Mburuma and Sekeletu | [February 1858] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Mburuma, ?-1860; Sekeletu, 1834-1864 | London | 6 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 199-201 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0741 | liv_001263 |
| Receipt for William Sunley | 3 September 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Sunley, William, ?-1886 | HMS Exploring Ship "Pioneer" | | | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); receipts (financial records) | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 258 | | | Documents, 29 | liv_002850 |
| Conjecture | [January 1873?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South Central Africa] | 7 | irregular folio | autographs (manuscripts); essays | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49A, 6-12; FO 2/49A, 13-19 (draft) | MS. 10780 | David Livingstone, The Last Journals of David Livingstone, ed. Horace Waller, 2 vols. (London: John Murray, 1874), vol. 2, 65-66. | Papers and Reports, 29 | liv_002954 |
| Translation of Marques Latino Coelho a Sa da Bandiera, Article on Portuguese Discoveries, in Boletim Official Do Governo Geral Da Provincia de Mocambique (43 [26 Oct. 1861], 177-178) | [August 1862] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South East Africa] | 8 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); essays; translations (documents) | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 93-96 | MS. 10780 | | Papers and Reports, 21a | liv_002946 |
| Letter to [The Earl of Clarendon] | 1 December 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | London | 8 | 4to | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 1-8 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0632 | liv_001144 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 1 February 1867 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Bemba, Lat. 10° 11' South, Long. 31° 50' East | 8 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1277, 217-220 | | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 12 (1867-68), 177-178. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1868-69, LVI [145] B, 17-18. | Letters, 1908 | liv_002507 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 1 July 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Shupanga, Zambesi | 3 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 83-84 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1241 | liv_001793 |
| Letter to Lord Granville | 1 July 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Granville, Lord, 1815-1891 | Unyanyembe | 8 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49B, 148-152 | MS. 10780 | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 16 (1871-72), 437-440. The Times (London), 22 Oct. 1872, 10 c. 1. Henry M. Stanley, How I Found Livingstone (etc.) (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 1872), 713-717. | Letters, 2013 | liv_002618 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 1 May 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Cape of Good Hope | 7 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 I, 1-4 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0787 | liv_001314 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 1 May 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Murchison's Cataracts | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 67-68 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1347 | liv_001916 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 1 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Ujiji | 15 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49B, 66-73 | MS. 10780 | The Times (London), 6 Aug. 1872, 12. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872 LXX [C-598], 6-10. Anon., The Life and Finding of Dr. Livingstone (London: Dean & Son, 1873), 262-273. | Letters, 1974 | liv_002575 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 1, 15 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Ujiji | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49B, 74-75 1/2 | MS. 10780 | The Times (London), 6 Aug. 1872, 12. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872 LXX [C-598], 5-6. Anon., The Life and Finding of Dr. Livingstone (London: Dean & Son, 1873), 258-261. | Letters, 1975 | liv_002576 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 10 April 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Senna, River Zambesi | 10 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 441-446 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 348-350. | Letters, 1019 | liv_001563 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 10 November 1861 - [17 December 1861] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | HMS ["Pioneer," R. Shire] | 16 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 163-170 | MS. 10780 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1863, LXXI [58] B, 191-194. J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 401-407. | Letters, 1137 | liv_001684 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 10 September, 2 October 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Tette-Kongone | 26 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 II, 96-107 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 283-290. | Letters, 0825 | liv_001356 |
| Letter to Edmund Hammond | 11 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hammond, Edmund, 1802-1890 | 18 Hart St., London | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 145-147 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0699 | liv_001218 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 1 | 11 June, 20 August 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Interior of Africa-L. Nyassa | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1265, 467 | | | Letters, 1897 | liv_002495 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 11 June, 20 August 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | East Africa, Lat. 11° 18/ South, Long. 37° 10' East | 16 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1265, 458-465 | | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1868-69, LVI [145] B, 13-17. | Letters, 1896 | liv_002494 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 11, 13 March 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | HMS "Pioneer" in Rovuma Bay | 7 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 87-90 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1093 | liv_001640 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 2 | 12 December 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Kongone | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 36/871, 273 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 339-340. | Letters, 0977 | liv_001519 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 1 | 12 December 1863, 24 February 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Cataracts-Mosambique] | 3 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 252-253 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1408 | liv_001979 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 12 December 1863, 24 February 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Cataracts-Mosambique | 15 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 244-251 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1407 | liv_001978 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 12 May 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Senna | 24 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 84-95 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 315-321. | Letters, 0888 | liv_001422 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 14 February 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Tette, Zambesi River | 12 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 38-44 | MS. 10780 | Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 31 (1861), 262-264. J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 300-302, ex. | Letters, 0865 | liv_001397 |
| Letter to Lord Granville | 14 November 1871 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Granville, Lord, 1815-1891 | Ujiji | 18 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49B, 76-83 | MS. 10780 | The Times (London), 6 Aug. 1872, 12. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872 LXX [C-598], 10-15. Anon., The Life and Finding of Dr. Livingstone (London: Dean & Son, 1873), 274-290. | Letters, 1977 | liv_002578 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 15 December 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | River Zambesi | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 87 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1297 | liv_001853 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 15 March 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Shupanga, River Zambesi | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 161-162 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1200 | liv_001750 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 1 | 15 November 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Shire | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 171-172 | MS. 10780 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1863, LXXI [58] B, 194-195. J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 409-410. | Letters, 1138 | liv_001685 |
| Letter to Lord Stanley | 15 November 1870 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Stanley, Lord, 1826-1893 | Bambarre = Manyuema country, say about 150' W. of Ujiji | 16 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49B, 58-65 1/2 | MS. 10780 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872, LXX [C-598], 1-5. The Times (London), 6 Aug. 1872, 12. Anon., The Life and Finding of Dr. Livingstone (London: Dean & Son, 1873), 246-258. | Letters, 1950 | liv_002551 |
| Letter to Lord Stanley | 15 November 1870 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Stanley, Lord, 1826-1893 | Manyuema country, say 180 miles W. of Ujiji | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49A, 1-4 | MS. 10780 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872, LXX [C-598], 1-5. | Letters, 1951 | liv_002552 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 15 October 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Murchison's Cat., R. Shire | 19 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 232-241 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 332-335. | Letters, 0938 | liv_001477 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 16 April 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Johanna | 11 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 110-115 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1104 | liv_001651 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 16 August 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Shupanga | 12 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 II, 41-46 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 280-283. | Letters, 0817 | liv_001348 |
| Letter to Edmund Hammond | 16 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hammond, Edmund, 1802-1890 | 18 Hart St., London | 3 | 4to | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 188-189 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0717 | liv_001236 |
| Letter to Edmund Hammond | 16 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hammond, Edmund, 1802-1890 | 18 Hart St., London | 4 | 8vo | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 185-186 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0718 | liv_001237 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 16, 21 October 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Rovuma Bay-Johanna | 14 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 102-108 | MS. 10780 | George Shepperson, ed., David Livingstone and the Rovuma: A Notebook Edited, with Introduction and Related Documents (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1965), 159-164. | Letters, 1280 | liv_001834 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 17 December 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Tette | 31 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 II, 114-130 | MS. 10780 | Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 31 (1861), 256-262. J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 292-300. | Letters, 0853 | liv_001385 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 18 May 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Ngomano | 8 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1265, 454-457 | | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1867, LXXIII [66] B, 39-40. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 11 (1866-67), 15-17. James E. Ritchie, The Pictorial Edition of the Life and Discoveries of David Livingstone, 2 vols (London and Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1876-1879), vol. 1, 524-525. | Letters, 1892 | liv_002490 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 19 December 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | River Shire | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 254 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1413 | liv_001984 |
| Letter to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs [Lord John Russell] | 19 May 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | [London] | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1249, 106 | | | Letters, 1716 | liv_002305 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 2 June 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | Kongone Harbour | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 80-81 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1233 | liv_001785 |
| Letter to Edmund Hammond | 2 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hammond, Edmund, 1802-1890 | 4 Athol Place, Glasgow | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 239 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0743 | liv_001265 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 2 November 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | Newstead Abbey | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 290 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1523 | liv_002102 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 2 September 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Johanna | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 100 | MS. 10780 | George Shepperson, ed., David Livingstone and the Rovuma: A Notebook Edited, with Introduction and Related Documents (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1965), 158. | Letters, 1267 | liv_001821 |
| Letter to Edmund Hammond | 20 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hammond, Edmund, 1802-1890 | 18 Hart St., London | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 221-222 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0729 | liv_001250 |
| Letter to Lord Granville | 20 February 1872 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Granville, Lord, 1815-1891 | Unyanyembe = near the Kazeh of Speke | 20 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 2/49B, 89-98 | MS. 10780 | The Times (London), 6 Aug. 1872, 12. Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1872, LXX [C-598], 19-24. Anon., The Life and Finding of Dr. Livingstone (London: Dean & Son, 1873), 303-317. | Letters, 1996 | liv_002600 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 1 | 20 July 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Murchison's Cataracts] | 5 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 241-243 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1383 | liv_001953 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 20 July 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Murchison's Cataracts | 7 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 237-240 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1382 | liv_001952 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 1 | 20 May 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | River Shire | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 141-144 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1123 | liv_001670 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 20 May 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | HMS "Pioneer," R. Shire | 3 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 139-140 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1122 | liv_001669 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 20 November 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Kongone Harbour | 14 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 250-256 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 340-343. | Letters, 0973 | liv_001515 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 2 | 20 [or 27] February 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Kongone | 6 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 390-393 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 346-348. | Letters, 0993 | liv_001536 |
| Letter to [Lord John Russell] | 21 October 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Johanna | 1 | 163 x 200 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/891 (unnumbered folio) | | | Letters, 1281 | liv_001835 |
| Letter to The Earl of Shelburne | 22 December 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Shelburne, The Earl of, 1816-1866 | 20 Bedford Square, London | 1 | 4to | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 29-30 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0647 | liv_001161 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 2 | 22 February 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | River Zambesi | 3 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 8-9 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1187 | liv_001737 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 22 February 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | River Zambesi | 6 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 2-5 | MS. 10780 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1863, LXXI [58] B, 196-197. | Letters, 1185 | liv_001735 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 22 June 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Steamer "Pearl," Zambesi | 22 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 I, 93-103; FO 63/843 I, 118-27 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 266-271. | Letters, 0802 | liv_001332 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 22 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Steamer "Pearl" | 8 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 273-277 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 263-264. | Letters, 0769 | liv_001295 |
| Letter to The Earl of Clarendon | 22, 24 March 1866 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Clarendon, The Earl of, 1800-1870 | Rovuma Bay, HMS "Penguin" | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1265, 450-451 | | | Letters, 1888 | liv_002486 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 23 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Steamer "Pearl" | 7 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 278-281 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 264-265. | Letters, 0770 | liv_001296 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 23 May 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | 50 Albemarle St., London | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1249, 108 | | | Letters, 1721 | liv_002310 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 24 November 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Tette | 11 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 36-41 | MS. 10780 | Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 31 (1861), 294-296. J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 396-399. | Letters, 1040 | liv_001585 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 25 December 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | River Shire | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 1 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1160 | liv_001710 |
| Letter to Edmund Hammond | 25 March 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Hammond, Edmund, 1802-1890 | Pearl off Sierra Leone | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/842, 271-272 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0772 | liv_001298 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 25 October 1864 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | Newstead Abbey | 2 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 286-287 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1518 | liv_002097 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 25 September 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Zambesi | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 I, 137-138 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0832 | liv_001363 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 26 July 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | River Zambesi | 12 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 116-122 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 323-326. | Letters, 0917 | liv_001454 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 27 June 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Shupanga, Zambesi River | 7 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1177, 366-369 | MS. 10715 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1863, LXXI [58] B, 196-197. | Letters, 1240 | liv_001792 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 1 | 28 April 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Murchison's Cataracts | 3 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 63-64 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1340 | liv_001907 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 2 | 28 April 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Murchison's Cataracts | 3 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 65-66 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1341 | liv_001908 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 28 April 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Murchison's Cataracts | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 59-61 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1339 | liv_001906 |
| Letter [Inclosure No. 4?] | 28 December 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Senna | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 45 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1044 | liv_001589 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 28 January 1863 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | River Shire | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1200, 395-396 | MS. 10715 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1864, LXVI [60] B, 123-124. | Letters, 1316 | liv_001876 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 28 November 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Bombay | 6 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1249, 110-113 | | | Letters, 1844 | liv_002441 |
| Letter Inclosure No. 2 | 29 December 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | Senna | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 44 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 400-401. | Letters, 1042 | liv_001587 |
| Letter to Register General, General Register Office, Somerset House (Letter Inclosure No. 3) | 29 December 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Register General, General Register Office, Somerset House | Senna | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 I, 64 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1043 | liv_001588 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 29 December 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | River Zambesi | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 97/322, 88 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1305 | liv_001862 |
| Letter to Lord John Russell | 29 December 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | River Zambesi | 15 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1177, 370-377 | MS. 10715 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1864, LXVI [60] B, 118-120. | Letters, 1306 | liv_001863 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 31 July 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Expedition Island, Zambesi | 20 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/843 II, 30-39 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 272-278. | Letters, 0814 | liv_001345 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 31 May 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | River Zambesi | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/871, 98-100 | MS. 10780 | J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 322-323. | Letters, 0901 | liv_001438 |
| Letter to Earl of Malmesbury | 4 March 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Malmesbury, Earl of, 1807-1889 | Tette | 8 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1082, 214-217 | | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 1860, LXX [181] B, 110, ex. J.P.R. Wallis, The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1956), vol. 2, 306-308. | Letters, 0879 | liv_001413 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 5 August 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | Kongone | 14 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 85-91 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1258 | liv_001811 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 5 August 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | Kongone | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/894 II, 97-98 | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1259 | liv_001812 |
| Letter to [Lord John Russell] | 5 June 1862 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Russell, Lord John, 1792-1878 | Kongone Harbour, R. Zambesi | 1 | 162 x 200 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 63/891 (unnumbered folio) | | | Letters, 1235 | liv_001787 |
| Letter to Austin H. Layard | 5 May 1865 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Layard, Austin H., 1817-1894 | 8 Dover St., London | 1 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Archives (Great Britain): FO 84/1249, 101 | | | Letters, 1699 | liv_002287 |