Resources: Overview

Cite page (MLA): "Resources: Overview." Livingstone Online. Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward, dirs. University of Maryland Libraries, 2018. Web.
The "Resources" section of Livingstone Online includes a comprehensive bibliography of Livingstone primary, secondary, and tertiary works; a curated collection of several hundred project documents; a link to our transcription manual; and materials developed by our outreach program for schools, including a series of eleven worksheets designed to encourage home and classroom study of Livingstone's life and his world. The guide below describes each of the pages in this part of the site.
Section Guide
Livingstone Online Outreach Program - introduces the Livingstone Online Outreach Program, discusses the overall goals of the educational worksheets produced through the program, and describes the support from Livingstone Online staff available for instructors who would like to use the worksheets in their classrooms..
Livingstone Online Outreach Worksheets - introduces the eleven educational worksheets for children aged 9-13 created by Livingstone Online’s Outreach Program. The page also allows users to download the worksheets or to view them online.
Livingstone Online Project Documents - provides access to a curated set of project documents created during the development of LEAP: The Livingstone Online Enrichment and Access Project. Users have the option of downloading the entire project document collection (several hundred files produced over a three-year period), area-specific subsets, or individual highlights. Together these documents provide an intimate look into the development of the present site. Their provision supports our mission of transparency and comprehensive knowledge transfer.
David Livingstone: A Bibliography - enumerates books by Livingstone, edited collections of his primary works, bibliographies, and biographies and critical sources.
Livingstone Online TEI P5 Encoding Guidelines - presents the customized Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) P5 guidelines that direct our transcriptions of Livingstone's manuscripts.
Reviews and Press Coverage - provides a list of critical and popular discussion and reviews of Livingstone Online and the Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project.