David Livingstone: A Bibliography

'A Londa lady's mode of wearing the hair' (Livingstone 1857). Copyright Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). Used by permission for academic purposes only.

Cite page (MLA): Wisnicki, Adrian S., and Justin D. Livingstone. "David Livingstone: A Bibliography." Livingstone Online. Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward, dirs. University of Maryland Libraries, 2017. Web. http://livingstoneonline.org/uuid/node/d6801fb9-85ff-4b39-bc07-6378bc6421db.

This section enumerates books by Livingstone, edited collections of his primary works, bibliographies, and biographies and critical sources. We encourage authors of new works to submit publication information to us so that it can be included in the lists below. Our digital catalogue also includes publication information for a vast array of individual items, particularly letters.

Books by David Livingstone    Top

Livingstone, David. 1857. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. London: John Murray.

Livingstone, David. 1858. Analysis of Language of the Bechuanas. London: [privately circulated].

Livingstone, David. 1861. A Popular Account of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. London: John Murray.

Livingstone, David. 1874. The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death. Edited by Horace Waller. 2 vols. London: John Murray.

Livingstone, David, and Charles Livingstone. 1865. Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries. London: John Murray.


Edited Collections of Primary Livingstone Works    Top

Bennett, Norman R, ed. 1968. “Livingstone’s Letters to William F. Stearns.” African Historical Studies 1 (2): 243-54.

Boucher, Maurice, ed. 1985. Livingstone Letters, 1843 to 1872: David Livingstone Correspondence in the Brenthurst Library, Johannesburg. Houghton, South Africa: Brenthurst Press.

Chamberlin, David, ed. 1940. Some Letters from Livingstone, 1840-1872. London: Oxford University Press.

Clendennen, G. W., ed. 1976. “David Livingstone on the Zambesi: Letters to John Washington, 1861-1863.” Munger Africana Library Notes VI (32).

Clendennen, G.W., ed. 1992. David Livingstone’s Shire Journal, 1861-1864. Aberdeen: Scottish Cultural Press.

Foskett, Reginald, ed. 1964. The Zambesi Doctors: David Livingstone’s Letters to John Kirk, 1858-1872. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Holmes, Timothy, ed. 1990. David Livingstone: Letters & Documents 1841-1872: The Zambian Collection at the Livingstone Museum. London: Currey.

Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project, ed. 2012. Livingstone Spectral Image Archive: TIFF Images, XML Transcriptions, Metadata. First Edition. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Digital Library.

Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project, ed. 2016. Livingstone Spectral Image Collection. Updated version. Livingstone Online, directed by Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward. New version, second edition. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Libraries.

Monk, William, ed. 1858. Dr. Livingstone’s Cambridge Lectures. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell and Co.

Schapera, Isaac, ed. 1959. David Livingstone, Family Letters, 1841-1856. 2 vols. London: Chatto & Windus.

Schapera, Isaac, ed. 1960. Livingstone's Private Journals, 1851-1853. London: Chatto & Windus.

Schapera, Isaac, ed. 1961. Livingstone’s Missionary Correspondence, 1841-1856. London: Chatto & Windus.

Schapera, Isaac, ed. 1963. Livingstone's African Journal, 1853-1856. 2 vols. London: Chatto & Windus.

Schapera, Isaac, ed. 1974. David Livingstone, South African Papers, 1849-1853. Cape Town: Van Riebeck Society.

Shepperson, George, ed. 1965. David Livingstone and the Rovuma: A Notebook Edited, with Introduction and Related Documents. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Wallis, J.P.R., ed. 1945. The Matabele Mission: A Selection from the Correspondence of John and Emily Moffat, David Livingstone and Others, 1858-1878. London: Chatto & Windus.

Wallis, J.P.R., ed. 1956. The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone, 1858-1863. London: Chatto & Windus.

Wisnicki, Adrian S., dir. 2010. Livingstone’s Letter from Bambarre: A Multispectral Critical Edition. First edition. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Digital Library.

Wisnicki, Adrian S., dir. 2017. Livingstone’s Letter from Bambarre: A Multispectral Critical Edition. Updated version. Livingstone Online, directed by Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward. New version, second edition. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Libraries.

Wisnicki, Adrian S., dir. 2011. Livingstone’s 1871 Field Diary: A Multispectral Critical Edition. First edition; corrections. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Digital Library.

Wisnicki, Adrian S., dir. 2017. Livingstone’s 1871 Field Diary: A Multispectral Critical Edition. Updated version. Livingstone Online, directed by Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward. New version, second edition. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Libraries.

Wisnicki, Adrian S., and Megan Ward, dirs. 2017. Livingstone’s 1870 Field Diary and Select 1870-1871 Manuscripts: A Multispectral Critical Edition. First edition. Livingstone Online, directed by Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward. New version, second edition. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Libraries.


Bibliographies of Livingstone Works    Top

Appleyard, Margaret Elizabeth. 1949. Dr. David Livingstone: A Bibliography. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, School of Librarianship.

Casada, James A. 1976. Dr. David Livingstone and Sir Henry Morton Stanley: An Annotated Bibliography. New York; London: Garland.

Clendennen, G.W., and I.C. Cunningham. 1979. David Livingstone: A Catalogue of Documents. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland for the David Livingstone Documentation Project.

Cunningham, I.C. 1985. David Livingstone: A Catalogue of Documents Supplement. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland for the David Livingstone Documentation Project.

Lloyd, B.W., and J. Lashbrook. 1978. A Bibliography of Published Works by and about David Livingstone, 1843-1975. Edited by T.A. Simons. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Libraries.


Biographies of and Critical Sources on Livingstone    Top

Abdy, Dora C. 1922. David Livingstone: The Story of His Life. London: Universities’ Mission to Central Africa.

Adams, H.G. 1874. David Livingstone: The Weaver Boy Who Became a Missionary. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

Adams, H.G. 1880. Missionary Travels and Adventures in Africa. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

Bayly, Paul. 2014. David Livingstone: Africa’s Greatest Explorer: The Man, the Missionary and the Myth 1813-1873. Stroud: Foothill Media.

Blaikie, William Garden. 1880a. David Livingstone. London: Religious Tract Society.

Blaikie, William Garden. 1880b. The Personal Life of David Livingstone. London: John Murray.

Blaikie, William Garden. 1885. David Livingstone: The Authorised Biography. Dunbar: Labarum.

Bonner, Gerald. 1961. “Some Letters of David Livingstone.” The British Museum Quarterly 23 (2): 38-43.

Bontinck, Francois. 1978. “La Mort de Livingstone Réexaminée.” Africa: Rivista Trimestrale di Studi e Documentazione dell’Istituto Italiano perl’Africa e l’Oriente 33 (4): 579-603.

Bontinck, Francois. 1979. “La Date de La Rencontre Stanley-Livingstone.” Africa: Rivista Trimestrale di Studi e Documentazione dell’Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente 34 (3): 225-41.

Brice, Arthur John Hallam Montefiore. 1890. David Livingstone: His Labours and His Legacy. London: S.W. Partridge & Co.

Bridges, Roy C. 1968. “The Sponsorship and Financing of Livingstone's Last Journey.” African Historical Studies 1 (1): 79-104.

Bridges, Roy C. 1973. "The Problem of Livingstone's Last Journey." In Proceedings of a Seminar Held on the Occasion of the Centenary of the Death of David Livingstone at the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, 4th and 5th May 1873, 163-85. Edinburgh: Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh.

Bridges, Roy C. 1977. “The Documentation of David Livingstone: Some New Materials.” Hakluyt Society Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, 1-8.

Bridges, Roy C. 1981. Rev. of David Livingstone: A Catalogue of Documents. The Scottish Historical Review 60, no. 170, Part 2 (October): 201-2.

Bridges, Roy C. 1987. “Nineteenth-Century East African Travel Records with an Appendix on ‘Armchair Geographers’ and Cartography.” Paideuma 33: 179-96.

Bridges, Roy C. 1998. “Explorers’ Texts and the Problem of Reactions by Non-Literate Peoples: Some Nineteenth-Century East African Examples.” Studies in Travel Writing 2: 65-84.

Buxton, Meriel. 2001. David Livingstone. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Campbell, R.J. 1929. Livingstone. London: Ernest Benn Ltd.

Chamberlin, David. 1940. David Livingstone. London: Sheldon Press.

Chamberlin, David. 1959. Munali: The Story of David Livingstone in Tonga. London: Sheldon Press.

Chambliss, J.E. 1875. The Life and Labours of David Livingstone, LL.D, D.C.L. Philadelphia, Boston, and Cincinnati: Hubbard Bros.

Clendennen, G.W. 1989. “Who Wrote Livingstone’s ‘Narrative’?” The Bibliothek; a Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics 16 (1): 30-39.

Clendennen, G. W., and John Lwanda. 2003. “David Livingstone and Africa’s First Cases of Sickle Cell Anaemia.” The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 33 (Supplement, 12): 21-28.

Clendennen, G.W., and D.H. Simpson. 1985. “African Members of the Zambezi Expedition, 1861-1864: A Prosopographical Foray.” History in Africa 12: 29-49.

Corbett, John. 1998. “The Missionary Positions: David Livingstone as a British Scot in Africa.” Scotlands 5 (1): 79-92.

Coupland, Reginald. 1945. Livingstone’s Last Journey. London: Collins.

David Livingstone and Africa: Proceedings of a Seminar Held on the Occasion of the Centenary of the Death of David Livingstone at the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, 4th and 5th May 1873. 1973. Edinburgh: Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh.

Douglas, M. 1900. In Lionland: The Story of Livingstone and Stanley. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons.

Dritsas, Lawrence. 2005. “From Lake Nyassa to Philadelphia: A Geography of the Zambesi Expedition, 1858-64.” British Journal for the History of Science 38 (1): 35-52.

Dritsas, Lawrence. 2010. Zambesi: David Livingstone and Expeditionary Science in Africa. London: I.B. Tauris.

Dritsas, Lawrence, and Joan Haig. 2014. "An Archive of Identity: The Central African Archives and Southern Rhodesian History." Archival Science 14: 35-54.

Driver, Felix. 2013. “Missionary Travels: Livingstone, Africa and the Book.” Scottish Geographical Journal 129 (3-4): 164-78.

Fletcher, I.M. 1950. David Livingstone: A Short Portrait of the Great Missionary-Explorer Based on an Account by I.M. Fletcher. Livingstone: Rhodes-Livingstone Museum.

Fraser, A.Z. 1913. Livingstone and Newstead. London: John Murray.

Gelfand, Michael. 1957. Livingstone the Doctor; His Life and Travels: A Study in Medical History. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Gordimer, Nadine. 1972. “Livingstone’s Companions.” In Livingstone’s Companions, 3-37. London: Jonathan Cape.

Hagerfors, Lennart. 1991. The Whales in Lake Tanganyika. London: Penguin.

Helly, Dorothy O. 1987. Livingstone’s Legacy: Horace Waller and Victorian Mythmaking. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.

Henderson, Louise. 2015. “Historical Geographies of Textual Circulation: David Livingstone’s Missionary Travels in France and Germany.” In Spaces of Global Knowledge: Exhibition, Encounter and Exchange in an Age of Empire, edited by Diarmid A. Finnegan, 227-43. Surrey, England: Ashgate.

Holmes, Timothy. 1993. Journey to Livingstone: Exploration of an Imperial Myth. Edinburgh: Canongate.

Horne, C. Silvester. 1912. David Livingstone. London: Macmillan.

Hughes, Thomas. 1889. David Livingstone. London & New York: Macmillan and Co.

Hume, Edward. 1904. David Livingstone: The Man, The Missionary, and the Explorer. London: Sunday School Union.

Hunt, Patricia. 1992. David Livingstone: Missionary to Africa. Alton: Hunt & Thorpe.

Huxley, E. 1874. Livingstone and His African Journeys. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.

Hyde, Alexander, Francis C. Bliss, and Rev. Josiah Tyler. 1876. The Life and Life-Work of Dr. David Livingstone: Missionary, Philanthropist, and Explorer. Hartford, Conn.: Columbian Book Co.

Jeal, Tim. 1973. Livingstone. London: Heinemann.

Jeal, Tim. 2013. Livingstone: Revised and Expanded Edition. New Haven, CT; London: Yale University Press.

Kalusa, Walima T. 2009. “Elders, Young Men, and David Livingstone’s ‘Civilizing Mission’: Revisiting the Disintegration of the Kololo Kingdom, 1851-1864.” International Journal of African Historical Studies 42 (1): 55-80.

Kalusa, Walima T. 2014. “Strange Bedfellows: David Livingstone, Sekeletu, Imported Goods, and the 1853–1856 Trans-African Expedition.” Journal of African Cultural Studies 27 (2): 133–45.

King, Henry, and Otto Brower. 1939. Stanley and Livingstone. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Koivunen, Leila. 2001. “Visualizing Africa — Complexities of Illustrating David Livingstone’s Missionary Travels.” Ennen & Nyt 1: 1-12.

Koivunen, Leila. 2009. Visualizing Africa in Nineteenth-Century British Travel Accounts. New York; London: Routledge.

Koivunen, Leila. 2013. “Africa on the Spot and from the Distance: David Livingstone’s Missionary Travels and Nineteenth-Century Practices of Illustration.” Scottish Geographical Journal 129 (3–4): 194–2090.

Koivunen, Leila. 2020. “Visualizing the Stanley-Livingstone Meeting: The Birth and Lives of an Iconic Scene in Print Media and Beyond since 1872.” Book History 23: 130–68.

Latham, Robert O. 1955. Trail Maker: The Story of David Livingstone. London: Lutterworth Press.

Lewis, Joanna. 2007. “Southampton and the Making of an Imperial Myth: David Livingstone’s Remains.” In Southampton: Gateway to the British Empire, edited by Miles Taylor, 31-48. I.B. Tauris.

Lewis, Joanna. 2011. “Livingstone and the 1955 White Settler Commemorations in the Lost ‘Henley-Upon-Thames’ of Central Africa.” In Living the End of Empire: Politics and Society in Late Colonial Zambia, edited by J.B. Gewald, M. Hinfelaar, and G. Macola. Leiden: Brill.

Lewis, Joanna. 2015. “Empires of Sentiment; Intimacies from Death: David Livingstone and African Slavery ‘at the Heart of the Nation.’” Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 43 (2): 210-37.

Liebenberg, Elri. 2012. “The Cartography of Exploration: Livingstone’s 1851 Manuscript Sketch Map of the Zambesi River.” Terrae Incognitae 44 (2): 89-109.

Liebenberg, Elri. 2021. “‘I Will Open a Path into the Interior (of Africa), or Perish’: David Livingstone and the Mapping of Africa.” The Cartographic Journal 58 (1): 29–49.

Lincoln, Arthur. 1907. David Livingstone: Missionary, Explorer, and Philanthropist. London: A. Melrose.

Livingstone, Justin D. 2011. “The Meaning and Making of Missionary Travels: The Sedentary and Itinerant Discourses of a Victorian Bestseller.” Studies in Travel Writing 15 (3): 267-92.

Livingstone, Justin D. 2012. “A ‘Body’ of Evidence: The Posthumous Presentation of David Livingstone.” Victorian Literature and Culture 40 (1): 1-24.

Livingstone, Justin D., ed. 2013. “Writing and Remembrance: New Directions in Livingstone Studies.” Scottish Geographical Journal 129 (3/4).

Livingstone, Justin D., 2014. Livingstone’s Lives. A Metabiography of Victorian Icon. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Livingstone, William Pringle. 1929. Story of David Livingstone. London: Livingstone.

Llyod, Brendan W., ed. 1973. Livingstone, 1873-1973. Cape Town: C. Struik.

Lwanda, John. 2007. “Scotland, Malawi and Medicine: Livingstone’s Legacy, I Presume? An Historical Perspective.” Scottish Medical Journal 52 (3): 35–44.

Macdonald, Ian. 1989. David Livingstone. Paisley: Gleniffer.

MacKenzie, John M. 1990. “David Livingstone: The Construction of the Myth.” In Sermons and Battle Hymns: Protestant Popular Culture in Modern Scotland, edited by Graham Walker and Tom Gallagher, 24-42. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

MacKenzie, John M. 1992. “Heroic Myths of Empire.” In Popular Imperialism and the Military, edited by John M. MacKenzie, 109-37. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

MacKenzie, John M., ed. 1996. David Livingstone and the Victorian Encounter with Africa. London: National Portrait Gallery.

MacKenzie, John M. 2013. “David Livingstone – Prophet or Patron Saint of Imperialism in Africa: Myths and Misconceptions.” Scottish Geographical Journal 129 (3-4): 277-91.

MacKenzie, John M. 2015. “David Livingstone, the Scottish Cultural and Political Revival and the End of Empire in Africa.” In Scotland, Empire and Decolonisation in the Twentieth Century, edited by Bryan S. Glass and John M. MacKenzie. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Mackenzie, Rob. 1993. David Livingstone: The Truth Behind the Legend. Eastbourne: Kingsway Publications.

Macnair, James I. 1952. “Some Recovered Relics of David Livingstone.” Scottish Geographical Journal, March, 58-60.

Marrat, Rev Jabez. 1877. David Livingstone: Missionary and Discoverer. London: Wesleyan Conference Office.

Martelli, George. 1970. Livingstone’s River: A History of the Zambesi Expedition, 1858-1864. London: Chatto & Windus.

Mathews, Basil. 1912. Livingstone the Pathfinder. London: Oxford University Press.

Milbrandt, Jay. 2014. The Daring Heart of David Livingstone: Exile, African Slavery, and the Publicity Stunt That Saved Millions. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

Nkomazana, Fidelis. 1998. "Livingstone's Ideas of Christianity, Commerce and Civilization." Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies 12 (1-2): 44-57.

Nicholls, C.S. 1998. David Livingstone. Stroud: Sutton Publishing.

Northcott, Cecil. 1957. Livingstone in Africa. London: Lutterworth.

Northcott, Cecil. 1973. David Livingstone: His Triumph, Decline, and Fall. Guildford: Lutterworth.

Northcott, Cecil, and Joyce Reason. 1947. Six Missionaries in Africa: Robert Moffat, David Livingstone, James Stewart, Alexander Mackay, Mary Slessor, Albert Cook. London: Oxford University Press.

NourbeSe Philip, Marlene. 1991. Looking for Livingstone: An Odyssey of Silence. Toronto: Mercury.

Pachai, Bridgal. 1973. Livingstone: Man of Africa: Memorial Essays. London: Longman.

Petrusic, Christopher. 2004. “Violence as Masculinity: David Livingstone’s Radical Racial Politics in the Cape Colony and the Transvaal, 1845-1852.” The International History Review 26 (1): 20-55.

Pettitt, Clare. 2007. Dr. Livingstone, I Presume?: Missionaries, Journalists, Explorers, and Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Pownall, David. 2000. “Livingstone and Sechele.” In Plays One, 71-130. London: Oberon Books.

Ransford, Oliver. 1978. David Livingstone: The Dark Interior. London: John Murray.

Rapp, Dean, and Charles Weber. 1989. “British Film, Empire and Society in the Twenties: The ‘Livingstone’ Film, 1923-1925.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 9 (1): 3-17.

Rayner, Susannah, ed. 2014. The Life and Afterlife of David Livingstone. London: SOAS University of London.

Rijpma, Sjoerd. 2015. David Livingstone and the Myth of African Poverty and Disease: A Close Examination of His Writing on the Pre-Colonial Era. Boston, MA: Brill.

Rivett, Michael O., Shona Symon, Lucas Jacobs, Limbikani C. Banda, Gift J. Wanagwa, Donald J.C. Robertson, Ibrahim Hassan, et al. 2020. “Paleo-Geohydrology of Lake Chilwa, Malawi Is the Source of Localised Groundwater Salinity and Rural Water Supply Challenges.” Applied Sciences 10 (6906).

Roberts, A.D. 2004. “Livingstone, David (1813-1873).” Online edition. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Roberts, John S. 1875. The Life and Explorations of David Livingstone. Glasgow: McGready, Thomson & Nevin.

Ross, Andrew. 2002. David Livingstone: Mission and Empire. London: Hambledon Press.

Ross, Andrew. 2005. “David Livingstone.” Études Écossaises 10: 89-102.

Ruppert, Helmut S. 1985. David Livingstone. Mödling: St. Gabriel.

Schapera, Isaac. 1959a. “Livingstone in Bechuanaland, Part 1.” African World, 7-8.

Schapera, Isaac. 1959b. “Livingstone in Bechuanaland, Part 2.” African World, 11-12.

Schapera, Isaac. 1960. “Livingstone and the Boers.” African Affairs 59: 144-56.

Seaver, George. David Livingstone: His Life and Letters. London: Lutterworth Press, 1957.

Sharp, J. Alfred. 1920. David Livingstone: Missionary and Explorer. London: Epworth Press.

Smiles, Robert. 1885. David Livingstone. London: Cassell & Co.

Smith, Rev. G. Watt. 1913. David Livingstone: The Great Heart of Africa. London: A.H. Stockwell.

Stanley, Brian. 2014. “The Missionary and the Rainmaker: David Livingstone, the Bakwena, and the Nature of Medicine.” Social Sciences and Missions 27 (2-3): 145-62.

Tomkins, Stephen. 2013. David Livingstone: The Unexplored Story. Oxford: Lion Hudson.

Waters, John. 1996. David Livingstone: Trail Blazer. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press.

Wetherell, M.A. 1925. Livingstone. Hero Films.

Wisnicki, Adrian S. 2009. “Interstitial Cartographer: David Livingstone and The Invention of South Central Africa.” Victorian Literature and Culture 37 (1): 255-71.

Worden, Sarah, ed. 2012. David Livingstone: The Man, the Myth and the Legacy. Edinburgh: National Museums Scotland.


Select Webpages on David Livingstone and Related Topics    Top

Anon. 2017. “Collecting along the Zambezi: David Livingstone’s Rocks and Minerals.” National Museums Scotland.

Anon. 2017. “Weaving Loom Collected by David Livingstone.” National Museums Scotland.

Arazi, Noemie. 2019. “Kasongo: History, Archaeology and Memory.” L.I.S.A. Wissenschaftsportal Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Published 2 May.

Begley, Hannah; Jason Przybylski. 2015. “Content Curation for Livingstone's Zambezi Expedition.” JSTOR Labs Blog. Last modified 28 May.

David Livingstone Centre and Birthplace - Blantyre - Scotland.” 2018. YouTube. Published 3 June.

David Livingstone Centre Revamp.” 2017. YouTube. Published 4 July.

Humphreys, Alex. 2015. “Exploring with Livingstone: Introducing Livingstone's Zambezi Expedition.” JSTOR Labs Blog. Last modified 13 May.

Keup, Jessica. 2015. “Livingstone's Zambezi Expedition: Demo Video.” JSTOR Labs Blog. Last modified 14 May.

Przybylski, Jason; Deirdre Ryan. 2017. “Livingstone's Zambezi Expedition.” JSTOR Labs.

Scotland's Famous Missionary Explorer (1929).” 2014. YouTube. Published 13 April.

Wisnicki, Adrian S, dev. 2021. One More Voice (an imprint of Livingstone Online). New dawn ed.

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