Cite page (MLA): Wisnicki, Adrian S. "Acknowledgments." In Livingstone's Letter from Bambarre. Adrian S. Wisnicki, dir. Livingstone Online. Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward, dirs. University of Maryland Libraries, 2017. Web.
This page cites the individuals who made a special contribution to supporting the work of developing the multispectral critical edition of Livingstone's Letter from Babambarre in 2010-11. Contemporaneous institutional affiliations have been retained although some of these have since changed.
The Royal Geographical Society Silver medal, front and back, awarded retrospectively to each of the Africans who carried David Livingstone's body to the east coast of Africa, 1874. Copyright Peter and Nejma Beard. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported. This particular medal is inscribed to Rojabu and was purchased by Peter Beard at the same Sotheby's auction as the Letter from Bambarre. |
The members of the research team would like to express their warmest gratitude to the following individuals, all of whom helped make this critical edition possible:
Peter and Nejma Beard
Elizabeth Upper (University of Cambridge)
Will Noel (Walters Art Museum)
Christopher Lawrence (University College London)
Michael Phelps (Early Manuscripts Electronic Library)
Stephen Davison (UCLA Digitial Library)
Elizabeth Maxwell
The team is also grateful to Gustavo Fermin, Marion Lowman, Joseph Miller, and Felix Schuermann for assisting with research for the critical edition, and to Kristin Jensen of Between the Lines Editing for her expert editorial work. Finally, the team wishes to thank Lisa Macaulay and Sarina Sinick for all their hard work in the technical development of the site.