Project Team
Cite page (MLA): Wisnicki, Adrian S., ed. "Project Team." In Livingstone's Letter from Bambarre. Adrian S. Wisnicki, dir. Livingstone Online. Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward, dirs. University of Maryland Libraries, 2017. Web.
This page introduces the project team that developed the critical edition of Livingstone's Letter from Bambarre in 2010-11. Contemporaneous institutional affiliations have been retained although some of these have since changed.
A processed spectral image of a page from the 1870 Field Diary (1871b:LXXXIV pseudo_v4_BY). Copyright National Library of Scotland. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported. This page contains the entries Livingstone wrote just before (4 February 1871) and after (8 February 1871) he composed the Letter from Bambarre. In the former entry, Livingstone notes the imminent arrival of the liberated Banian slaves that would deliver the letters from Horace Waller that inspired Livingstone to write his letter.
Adrian S. Wisnicki (Birkbeck, University of London) - Director and Lead Scholar
Debbie Harrison (Birkbeck, University of London) - Contributing Editor
Spectral Imaging and Processing
Michael B. Toth (R.B. Toth Associates) - Program Manager
Bill Christens-Barry (Equipoise Imaging, LLC) - Imaging Scientist
Roger L. Easton, Jr. (Rochester Institute of Technology) - Imaging Scientist
Keith Knox - Imaging Scientist
Ken Boydston (Megavision, Inc.) - Camera Engineer
Doug Emery (Emery IT) - Data Manager
Support for Scholarship and Science
Yana Van Dyke (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - Conservationist
Jeff Drouin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) - Technological Assistant
Heather F. Ball (Morgan Library and Museum) - Research Assistant
Kate Simpson (Edinburgh Napier University) - Research Assistant
Meghan Coyle - Imaging Specialist
Meghan Hill - Imaging Specialist
Janet Safford - Imaging Specialist