| Letter to Margaret Sewell | 3 August 1840 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Sewell, Margaret | Hamilton | 4 | folio | copies (derivative objects); letters; photocopies | National Library of South Africa: S. A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0011 | liv_000465 |
| Letter to Margaret Sewell | 8 August 1840 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Sewell, Margaret | Hamilton | 4 | folio | copies (derivative objects); letters; photocopies | National Library of South Africa: S. A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0012 | liv_000466 |
| Letter to James Maclehose | 21 November 1840 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclehose, James, 1811-1885 | London | 4 | folio | copies (derivative objects); letters; photocopies | National Library of South Africa: S. A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0015 | liv_000469 |
| Notebook | 10, 24, 28 July 1849 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Southern Africa] | | 325 x 202 | astronomical stations (coordinates); autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); research notes | National Library of South Africa: MSS. SA. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Notebooks, 01 | liv_002917 |
(10.3 MB) | Letter to Thomas Maclear | 13 December 1852 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Kuruman | 4 | 275 x 219 | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, G.13.b.45(32) | | | Letters, 0306 | liv_002675 |
(4.0 MB) | Map of Central Africa from Kuanabare River, Angola to Tete, Mosambique | [1855-1856?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Southern Africa] | 400 | 400 x 480 | autographs (manuscripts); manuscript maps | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, G.13.b.45(34) | | | | liv_000047 |
| Notebook | [1855?] | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Moffat, Robert 1, 1795-1883 | | [Southern Africa] | 272 | 241 x 198 | autographs (manuscripts); research notes; vocabulary | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, 38b | MS. 10780 | | Notebooks, 07 | liv_002922 |
(2.0 MB) | Letter to Alfredo Duprat | 12 September 1855 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Duprat, Alfredo, 1816-1881 | Banks of the River Chobe | 4 | 178 x 115 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, G.13.b.45(47.1) | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0378 | liv_000860 |
| Notebook | 18 October 1855-26 July 1856 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [Southern Africa] | 96 + 136 (several blank) | 247 x 187 | autographs (manuscripts); research notes; vocabulary | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, 38b | MS. 10780 | | Notebooks, 08 | liv_002923 |
(24.8 MB) | Letter to Thomas Maclear | 15 February, 2 March 1856 | Livingstone, Agnes 3, 1847-1912; Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Near Tete or Nyunkwe-Tete | 12 | 400 x 252 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, G.13.b.45(33.1) | MS. 10780 | Parliamentary Papers (Great Britain), Sess. 2 1857, XLIV [212] A, 32-35. | Letters, 0394 | liv_000877 |
(2.8 MB) | Letter to Alfredo Duprat | 4 March 1856 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Duprat, Alfredo, 1816-1881 | Tette | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects); letters | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, G.13.b.45(35) | | Gastão Felipe de Almeida de Eça, Inéditos Do Dr. David Livingstone? (Lourenço Marques: Imprensa Naçional de Moçambique, 1953), 6-8. | Letters, 0401 | liv_002676 |
(4.4 MB) | Letter to Alfredo Duprat | 26 March 1856 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Duprat, Alfredo, 1816-1881 | Tete or Nyungwe | 4 | 335 x 210 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection, G.13.b.45(36) | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0407 | liv_000893 |
| Letter to John N. Goulty | 9 January 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Unknown creator | Goulty, John N, 1788-1870 | London | 1 | 183 x 115 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of South Africa: S.A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0452 | liv_000942 |
| Letter to James MacLehose | 24 April 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclehose, James, 1811-1885 | 57 Sloane St., London | 4 | 8vo | copies (derivative objects); letters; photocopies | National Library of South Africa: S.A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0507 | liv_001004 |
| Letter to John C. Bruce | 21 October 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Bruce, John C., 1805-1892 | 50 Albemarle St., London | 4 | 180 x 114 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of South Africa: S.A. MSS. Coll. Sect A | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 0603 | liv_001114 |
| Signed Copy of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa | 29 October 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Grey, George, 1812-1898 | London | | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | National Library of South Africa: Grey Collection | | | Books, 01 (07) | liv_002781 |
| Signed Copy of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa | 2 November 1857 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Ratcliffe, Charles | London | | | autographs (manuscripts); books; publications; signatures (names) | National Library of South Africa | | | Books, 01 (14) | liv_002788 |
| Letter to J.E. Goodman | 19 February 1858 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Goodman, J.E. | 18 Hart St., London | 4 | 233 x 183 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of South Africa: S.A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | Sawyer's Cat., SA/56, addenda (1967), no. 117. | Letters, 0727 | liv_001248 |
| Astronomical Observations | 7 April-31 July 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South East Africa] | 31 | 325 x 202 | astronomical stations (coordinates); autographs (manuscripts) | National Library of South Africa: MSS. SA. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Astronomical Observations, 03 | liv_002733 |
| Letter to [Thomas Maclear] | 12 May 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Senna | 4 | folio | autographs (manuscripts); fragments (object portions); letters | National Library of South Africa: S.A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | | Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (London), 31 (1861), 283-284. | Letters, 0887 | liv_001421 |
| Astronomical Observations | 27 September-13 October 1859 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South East Africa] | 20 | 325 x 202 | astronomical stations (coordinates); autographs (manuscripts) | National Library of South Africa: MSS. SA. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Astronomical Observations, 03 | liv_002731 |
| Astronomical Observations | 15 December 1859-c.28 August 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | | [South East Africa] | 42 | 325 x 202 | astronomical stations (coordinates); autographs (manuscripts); research notes | National Library of South Africa: MSS. SA. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Astronomical Observations, 03 | liv_002734 |
| Astronomical Observations | ?-8 November 1860 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873; Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | | [South East Africa] | 24 | 325 x 202 | astronomical stations (coordinates); autographs (manuscripts); copies (derivative objects) | National Library of South Africa: MSS. SA. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Astronomical Observations, 03 | liv_002732 |
| Letter to Thomas Maclear | 1 February 1861 | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 | Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879 | Kongone | 4 | 175 x 114 | autographs (manuscripts); letters | National Library of South Africa: S.A. MSS. Coll. Sect. A | MS. 10780 | | Letters, 1071 | liv_001618 |