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AccessTitleDate(s) Creator(s)
(5.1 MB)Marked Proof Engraving of Reception of the Mission by Shinte: Illustration for Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Livingstone 1857:facing 291)1856-1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Wolf, Joseph, 1820-1899
(5.6 MB)Marked Proof Engraving of River Scenery on the West Coast: Illustration for Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Livingstone 1857:facing 332)1856-1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Wolf, Joseph, 1820-1899
(3.0 MB)Marked Proof Engraving of Scene at a Sleeping-Place in Angola: Illustration for Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Livingstone 1857:facing 380)1856-1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Wolf, Joseph, 1820-1899
  Note on Victoria Falls to Unknown[1856-1857?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  List of Seeds with Notes[1856-1857]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Sketch Map of Transcontinental Journey[1856-1858?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Notebook[1856-1860]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Winds in Africa[1856?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Thomas Kelly, We've No Abiding City Here (Setswana)[1856]Kelly, Thomas, 1769-1854;
Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Calculations Made at Victoria Falls[1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Map of Route Between R. Cuango and R. Kasai[1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(7.1 MB)Part of Livingstone's Route from Loanda to Quilimane, 1855-56, Showing His Discovery of the Victoria Falls[1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(3.0 MB)Annotated Map of Africa[1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  Map of Africa with Annotations[? and 1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Walker, Charles;
Walker, John
(24.8 MB)Letter to Thomas Maclear15 February, 2 March 1856Livingstone, Agnes 3, 1847-1912;
Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Thomas Maclear15 February, 2 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879
(1.9 MB)Letter to Arthur Tidman2 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(3.9 MB)Letter to Arthur Tidman2 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(3.3 MB)Letter to William Thompson2 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [Thomas Maclear]2 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(3.1 MB)Letter to Robert Moffat 1[2 March 1856?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(8.4 MB)Letter to Edmund Gabriel[2 March-3 April 1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Captain of Any Royal Navy Vessel at Quilimane3 March [1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Draft of Letter to Roderick I. Murchison4 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(2.8 MB)Letter to Alfredo Duprat4 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Alfredo Duprat4 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(15.5 MB)Letter to Roderick I. Murchison4 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Roderick I. Murchison4 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Maclear, Thomas, 1794-1879
  Letter to David G. Watt15 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Joseph Moore16 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(11.1 MB)Letter to Parents and Sisters18 March, 28 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to The Earl of Clarendon19 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(19.0 MB)Letter to Jose R. Coelho do Amaral25 March, [25 June 1856?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(4.4 MB)Letter to Alfredo Duprat26 March 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(9.8 MB)Letter to Jean Fredoux and Ann Fredoux26 March, 12 July, 12 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Thomas Maclear3, 23 April 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(9.4 MB)Letter to Edmund Gabriel4 April 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(8.0 MB)Letter to William C. Oswell4 April 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(5.0 MB)Letter to Robert Moffat 15 April, 12 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Arthur Tidman23 May 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Arthur Tidman23 May 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Draft of Letter to Roderick I. Murchison23 May, 26 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(24.8 MB)Letter to Roderick I. Murchison23 May, 26 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to [Thomas Maclear]27 May 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Draft of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Chapter 1)30 May 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Joaquim de Azevedo Alpoim30 May 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(14.9 MB)Letter to Parents and Sisters1 June 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Vasco Guedes Carvalho e Meneses20 June 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(17.1 MB)Letter to Edmund Gabriel27 June 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(11.7 MB)Letter to William Thompson8, 12 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Thomas Maclear14 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(4.5 MB)Letter to Robert Moffat 117 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Thomas Maclear17 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Jose M. Nunes20 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Waterson, Jane Elizabeth, 1843-1932
  Letter to Arthur Tidman26 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to The Earl of Clarendon26 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(32.7 MB)Letter to Everybody in the House [Family]28 August 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(7.0 MB)Letter to William Thompson17, 18 September 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(2.5 MB)Letter to Gunroom Officers, Her Majesty's Britannic Forces26 September 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Lumley W. Peyton26 September 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(0.8 MB)Letter to Vincent W. Ryan26 September 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Field Diary6 October 1856-March 1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Henry D. Trotter9 October 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(5.4 MB)Letter to Mrs. [?] Robinson18 October 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(3.5 MB)Letter to William Thompson31 October, 3 November 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Jose M. Nunes1 November [1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Waterson, Jane Elizabeth, 1843-1932
(14.4 MB)Easy Chair Geography vs. Field Geography25 November 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(8.2 MB)Letter to Mary Livingstone27 November, 6 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(4.1 MB)Letter to Agnes Livingstone 111 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Roderick I. Murchison12 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(1.2 MB)Letter to George Back13 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(19.9 MB)Letter to Benjamin T. Pyne15 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(7.8 MB)Letter to Unknown13 December [1856]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Editor of The Times18 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Robert Kerr19 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Roderick I. Murchison22 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to Editor of The Times24 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(9.5 MB)"Dr. Livingston's Discoveries in Central Africa," Illustrated London News 27 December 1856, 64327 December 1856Illustrated London News
  Letter to Robert Kerr27 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(11.5 MB)Letter to James Louden[30 December 1856?]Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
 Letter to Joseph Robertson31 December 1856Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(7.6 MB)Dr. Livingstone's Route Across Africa; Constructed from his Astronomical Observations, Bearings, Estimated Distances, Sketches, &c.&c. by J. Arrowsmith1857J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd, London, Printers and Publishers
(4.3 MB)Dr. Livingstone's Route Across Africa; Constructed from his Astronomical Observations, Bearings, Estimated Distances, Sketches, &c.&c. by J. Arrowsmith1857J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd, London, Printers and Publishers
  Dr. Livingstone's Route Across Africa; Constructed from his Astronomical Observations, Bearings, Estimated Distances, Sketches, &c.&c. by J. Arrowsmith1857J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd, London, Printers and Publishers
  Map of South Africa Showing the Routes of the Revd. Dr. Livingstone Between the years 1849 & 1856 By John Arrowsmith. 18571857J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd, London, Printers and Publishers
(3.4 MB)Map to Illustrate Dr. Livingston's Route Across Africa; Constructed from his Astronomical Observations, Bearings, Estimated Distances, Sketches, &c.&c. by J. Arrowsmith. 18571857J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd, London, Printers and Publishers
(17.2 MB)Introduction to Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, First Printing with One Page 81857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(21.0 MB)Introduction to Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, Second Printing with Three Page 8s1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Letter to J.R. Liefchild1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
 (1.9 MB)Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
  Signed Copy of the Holy Bible1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(3.4 MB)John Murray's Estimate Book (1850-1866): David Livingstone's Missionary Travels1857Murray, John III, 1808-1892
(10.2 MB)Copies of Ledger E of the Publisher John Murray: Production and Sales Details for David Livingstone's Missionary Travels1857-1862Murray, John III, 1808-1892
(5.0 MB)Ledger, Livingstone's Misisonary Travels1857-1862Murray, John III, 1808-1892
(4.3 MB)Trade Advert for Forthcoming Works: Exploratory Journies of a Missionary, Quarterly Review, 101 (January 1857-April 1857): January 1857, 1January 1857Murray, John III, 1808-1892
(696.9 MB)Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Part III)January-October 1857Livingstone, Charles, 1821-1873;
Livingstone, David, 1813-1873;
Unknown creator
  Draft of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Introduction)January-October 1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(12.4 MB)Fragment of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Part III)January-October 1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(1.1 MB)Fragment of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Part III)January-October 1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
(13.3 MB)Fragment of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Part III)January-October 1857Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
