Edition Guide
Cite page (MLA): Wisnicki, Adrian S., and Megan Ward, eds. "Edition Guide." In Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary. Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward, dirs. Livingstone Online. Adrian S. Wisnicki and Megan Ward, dirs. University of Maryland Libraries, 2017. Web. http://livingstoneonline.org/uuid/node/847e1823-0e9f-4bd4-ae02-bfb2a8ff141b.
This page provides a skeletal outline of the entire multispectral critical edition of Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary and select 1870-71 manuscripts. It enumerates all the main sections of the edition and provides links to all embedded files and documentation. In general, the editors have derived the short descriptions here from the corresponding overview sections of individual pages.
Prefatory Materials Top⤴
Edition Guide - the present page: provides a skeletal outline of the entire multispectral critical edition of Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary and select 1870-71 manuscripts; also enumerates all the main sections of the edition and provides links to all embedded files and documentation.
The Project Team - introduces the project team that developed the critical edition of Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary and select 1870-1871 manuscripts.
Acknowledgments - cites the individuals who have made a special contribution to supporting our work in developing the multispectral critical edition of Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary and select 1870-71 letters.
Spectral Images and Texts Top⤴
Images & Transcriptions of the 1870 Field Diary - provides access to downloadable processed spectral images and critically encoded and edited transcriptions of the 1870 Field Diary.
Images & Transcriptions of Select 1870-1871 Texts - provides access to downloadable processed spectral images and critically encoded and edited transcriptions of select 1870-71 manuscripts.
Three Versions of the 1870 Field Diary - allows users to engage in comparative study of three versions of the 1870 Field Diary: the original 1870 Field Diary (1870-71), the revised version in the Unyanyembe Journal (1866-72), and the posthumously edited and published version in the Last Journals (1874).
Livingstone Spectral Image Collection - preserves all the pages of Livingstone’s 1870 and 1871 Field Diaries as high-resolution images with full metadata and TEI-based transcriptions; allows direct access to all the primary Livingstone data on which this critical edition is based.
Critical Essays Top⤴
Livingstone, Central Africa, 1870 - shifts critical focus from biographical approaches centering on Livingstone in 1870 to the central African cultural material found in the 1870 Field Diary; in doing so, argues that the diary’s innovative narrative style documents and, at times, foregrounds a regional universe whose complexity stands at odds with the reductive characterizations later imposed upon it by Livingstone and others.
Creating the 1870 Field Diary - the first section of a six-part sequence; begins a comprehensive account of the 1870 Field Diary as a constructed and preserved object, and explores the initial steps in the creation of the diary.
Structuring the 1870 Field Diary - the second section of a six-part sequence; continues a comprehensive account of the 1870 Field Diary as a constructed and preserved object; explores the structure that Livingstone (and, later, others) imposed on the text and discusses other prominent textual features.
The Diary Across Hands, Space, and Time (1) - the third section of a six-part sequence; uses the presence of ink and pencil on the pages of the manuscript to explore the role of Livingstone and others in composing the text of the diary.
The Diary Across Hands, Space, and Time (2) - the fourth section of a six-part sequence; uses manuscript topography as a means to illuminate how handling by a variety of individuals has helped shape the present material state of the manuscript.
The Diary Across Hands, Space, and Time (3) - the fifth section of a six-part sequence; examines how the many environments through which the diary has circulated have left their marks on its pages; also includes a brief discussion of notable material features of the manuscript not covered in the previous sections.
History & Chronology of the 1870 Field Diary - the sixth section of a six-part sequence; summarizes the previously documented history of the diary and, by using findings from this edition, develops a comprehensive new chronology of the manuscript.
Livingstone's Composition Practices - explores Livingstone’s composition practices from 1870-1871 in order to show how they vary from the practices scholars have previously identified in Livingstone’s other works; also discusses the material edited out from Livingstone’s posthumously published Last Journals (1874).
Livingstone's Global Sources - discusses the role of non-Western informants in the creation of Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary.
Supporting Materials Top⤴
Glossary of Key Terms in Livingstone's Manuscripts, 1870-71 - offers a glossary of the people, groups, places, and geographical features cited in the Livingstone manuscripts (1870-71) imaged by the Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project; serves as an integrated reference that that complements the edition's annotated transcriptions of these same manuscripts.
Manuscript Citation and File Naming Practices - outlines the standardized system adopted for, first, citing specific manuscript pages and spectral images and, second, naming corresponding spectral image files.
An Integrated Bibliography - presents a comprehensive, integrated bibliography of the primary texts and literary, historical, cultural, and scientific sources that serve as the basis of the Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project.
Image Processing Information Top⤴
Prototyping Animated Spectral Images (ASIs) - describes the background, objectives, workflow, and results of the development of animated spectral images (ASIs) for the present multispectral critical edition of Livingstone’s 1870 Field Diary.
Notes on Processed Spectral Images - introduces, enumerates, and briefly defines the processed spectral image types, GIF animations, and PowerPoint presentations produced by the two phases of the Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project (2010-13, 2013-17).
Project History and Documentation Top⤴
Project History - set outs the history of our work to develop a multispectral critical edition of Livingstone’s 1870 Field Diary and select 1870-71 manuscripts. It provides an overview of all significant periods of project endeavor and for each period describes all key project activities.
Project Documentation - provides curated access to some 300 project documents spanning four years of research activities (2013-17) for our critical edition of Livingstone’s 1870 Field Diary and select 1870-71 manuscripts.
Supporting Files for Download Top⤴
Livingstone's Last Journals (1874), volume II (25.1 MB) - a PDF copy of the original edition of Livingstone's Last Journals (1874), volume II. Pages 48-109 of this volume correspond to the 1870 Field Diary.
Livingstone's Last Journals (1874), volume II, corrected proofs (21 MB) - a PDF copy of a photocopy of the corrected proofs of Livingstone's Last Journals (1874), volume II. This segment of the proofs corresponds to the 1870 Field Diary. The photocopy has been marked with Roman numerals by the present editorial team to correlate the proofs with Livingstone's original manuscript pages.
Structure of the 1870 Field Diary & 1870-71 Manuscripts (66 KB) - a spreadsheet that sets out the relationship of Livingstone’s 1870 Field Diary and select 1870-71 manuscripts to their underlying source texts in detail.
Dates for the 1870 Field Diary (47 KB) - a document that presents, sequentially, all dates for dated diary entries as extracted from our transcription of the 1870 Field Diary.
Livingstone's Undertexts (50.7 MB) - unmarked PDF copies of three sources texts used by Livingstone in creating the 1870 Field Diary.
Annotations of The Bible: Its Form and Substance (72 KB) - transcriptions of all the passages annotated by Livingstone from Arthur Penrhyn Stanley’s The Bible: Its Form and Substance (1863).
Animated Spectral Images for Download Top⤴
Presentations and Animations - all the presentations and preliminary animations of Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary developed for the present edition by Keith Knox.
- Presentations
- Flipbook: PowerPoint (141.2 MB) or PDF (141.2 MB)
- Overlaid: PowerPoint (110.5 MB) or PDF (110.6 MB)
- Bonus: Complete flipbook and overlaid PowerPoint and PDF presentations (503.5 MB)
- Animated Sequences
- Flipbook: all pages of Livingstone 1870i:XXXIX-LV [v.2] (158.4 MB)
- Various: page rectos of Livingstone 1870i:XXXIX-LV [v.2] (73.6 MB) or page versos of Livingstone 1870i:XXXIX-LV [v.2] (75.9 MB)
- Bonus: Complete flipbook and various animated sequences (308 MB)
Complete Prototype ASIs (685.9 MB) - all the prototype ASIs of Livingstone's 1870 Field Diary developed for the present edition by Ashanka Kumari in a single ZIP file.
Sample Prototype ASIs - prototype ASIs that enhance one or more manuscript features of interest.
- Changes in the visual character of ink (59.1 MB)
- Reinking with an alternate ink (68.1 MB)
- Folds (41.6 MB)
- Impressions (41.8 MB)
- Holes (33.1 MB)
- Page discolor (46.5 MB)
- The big stain (58.8 MB)
- Red stains (40.2 MB)
Page-specific Prototype ASIs - ASIs that target two specific pages of the manuscript, each of which combines a range of features of interest, including layered text and staining.
- Livingstone 1870h:XVII
- Livingstone 1871a:LXXVI [v.1]
- Layers of text (65.1 MB)
- Layers of text (reverse order) (42.2 MB)
- Stains (75.5 MB)
Project Documentation (Files) Top⤴
Complete Project Documentation (1.21 GB) - all curated project documents organized as a series of subdirectories containing several hundred files that together encompass every aspect of development.
Area-specific Subsets of Project Documentation
- NEH Grant Application (1.3 MB)
- Planning notes and documents (128 KB)
- Spectral image processing notes (PCA and ICA) (988 KB)
- Spectral image processing notes (pseudocolor and animation) (206.7 MB)
- Manuscript and image notes (25.9 MB)
- Meeting and other notes (529 KB)
- Critical essay and supporting materials notes (691 KB)
- Animated Spectral Image (ASI) testing (538.6 MB)
- Image integration and metadata-addition files (5.4 MB)
- Dissemination (331.2 MB)
- Spectral image archival packet supporting files (3 MB)
- Critical edition beta launch UK "tour" (93.8 MB)